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Clouds Over Towsley

Clouds Over Towsley

Uploaded 11/11/2013

By: Austin Dave
What do you think about this photo? It’s part of a series in our gallery titled “Clouds Over Towsley Canyon.”

8 Comments for Photo Gallery: Clouds Over Towsley
  1. Melissa says:

    I love the closeup shots of the trees and flowers. My wheelchair doesn’t allow me access to those things any more, so I truly appreciate these. The cloud shots are lovely too.

  2. Rick Bell says:

    No. I merely answered a question. Specifically: What do you think about this photo? I answered. No need for harassment.

  3. So because you’ve been a photographer for 30 years you have the right to belittle people’s photos? That’s interesting

    • Rick Bell says:

      No. I merely answered a question. Specifically: What do you think about this photo? I answered. No need for harassment.

    • Jen Franco says:

      And besides, it is possible that pictures taken from tour bus windows could be considered awesome, and therefore, maybe not a belittling answer to the question after all.

  4. Rick Bell says:

    Meh. Looks like a tourist shot taken out of a moving bus window

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