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Santa Colorita Color Run

Santa Colorita Color Run

Uploaded 02/15/2014

Photos: Austin Dave
Clouds of powder sent Castaic Lake’s lower lagoon into a colored fog as more than 1,500 people took to the pavement to run for a worthy cause.

10 Comments for Photo Gallery: Santa Colorita Color Run
  1. Debbie Tapia that’s you! Woo hoo!

  2. Kris says:

    Had a great time at my first ever 5K. Unfortunately tripped on some uneven pavement covered by the powder in the pink area and dislocated my shoulder! So it became a 4K for me. But I am thrilled that I got that far and could have finished. Looking forward to next year!!!

  3. Sami, check out your photo in this article.

  4. Lisa Doran says:

    Cindy Kurtz Smith cute pic of Alyssa & Peyson!

  5. Amy Drake and Nicole Eltnam they got a pic of us! Too bad were all not looking but Amy! lol

  6. Way to go Rylee, Katie and Alyssa

  7. Karen Lee – check out your fancy photo!!

  8. BEST. PICTURE. EVER!!! Lol!! :D

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