SCV NewsBreak | Thursday, April 3, 2014
A number of items are on the agenda for Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting concerning the unincorporated Santa Clarita Valley and surrounding areas: a Highway 126 expansion, sewer district fees, Santa Clara river cleanup, and $7 million in improvements for the Pitchess Detention Center. On Tuesday Santa Clarita voters will be heading to the polls to elect three city council members. Meet the candidates in this two part candidates forum here. Santa Clarita Valley residents will have a chance to meet the new Sheriff’s Station captain Wednesday at Starbucks on Golden Valley Road in Canyon Country. Leona Cox Community School is using a grant from target to by new books for the library. The deadline for the 2014 Congressional Art Competition is coming up on Monday, April 21. Entertainment with Stephen K. Peeples: Higher Level Productions & Good Karma music throw a big local rock show at The Vu in Old Town Newhall Friday; Willie Nelson & Family play perform at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center Saturday; Advance discount tickets are now on sale for the 37th Annual Santa Clarita Dodger Day festivities on Saturday night, April 26. Television viewers can catch the SCV NewsBreak on SCVTV at the top of every hour from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., repeating the following morning at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. SCVTV runs on Time Warner Cable Channel 20 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and streaming on
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