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This Week in Santa Clarita: Special Olympics World Games Host Town

Uploaded 06/22/2014

Special Olympics World Games Host Town

Santa Clarita has been chosen as a Host Town for athletes from across the globe who will be competing in the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles next year.

©2014 City of Santa Clarita | SCVTV
22 Comments for This Week in Santa Clarita: Special Olympics World Games Host Town
  1. Definitely want to volunteer! I hope someone posts info on how!?

  2. I want to work it! Where do I apply!?

  3. I am willing to help to some alters from Ukraine if they need my help! We own right next to Aquatic Center and we will allow the athlete to stay with us

  4. Elizabeth Marie Diaz

  5. I’m definitely volunteering for this.

  6. Summer Meltdown

  7. Very nice..congrats to SCV!

  8. Kim Miller Kim Miller says:

    That’s awesome!! How exciting!!!!

  9. Awesome both my hometown and my current town are going to be Host towns for Special Olympics! Outstanding!!! Congrats SCV and Palm Springs!!

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