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Valley Industry Association | Raising Awareness of Mental Health Issues

Uploaded 10/02/2014

Raising Awareness of Mental Health Issues

September 16, 2014

Mental health issues affect many people, even in the workplace.  Learn how to recognize the many warning signs that indicate a person may have a mental health problem and how you can help. Lois Bauccio, with the help of staff members from Child & Family Center,  will present “Raising Awareness of Mental Health Issues”, a program that discusses Mental Health First Aid, an 8-hour course for members of the community that provides helpful information and resources so anyone can offer emotional support and practical help to someone in a mental health crisis, even in the workplace.



The Valley Industry Association of Santa Clarita represents business interests throughout the Santa Clarita Valley. VIA provides our members, a blend of industrial, commercial and service companies, the opportunity to collaborate on a broad range of business issues. In addition to being a legislative advocate, VIA serves as a one-stop shop for relevant business information, supports local educational initiatives, and provides networking opportunities. If you are currently doing business in Santa Clarita or are considering moving your business here, VIA is the conduit to business connections in the Santa Clarita Valley.

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