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SCV NewsBreak | Tuesday, May 17, 2015

Uploaded 05/19/2015

Tuesday, May 17, 2015

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Deputies and Los Angeles County Fire officials responded to a report of a dead body in the Castaic Inn.

A vote by Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday will raise minimum wage to $15 an hour by the year 2020.

A terminally ill Santa Clarita woman is one of three other Californians who are now suing the state for the right to end her own life.

The County of Los Angeles approved funds for two park projects and a ban that will keep big rigs off of Sand Canyon Road.

Over 200 SCV employees participated in the 12th annual Bike to Work Day last week.

Plus your week in weather.

Television viewers can catch the SCV NewsBreak on SCVTV at the top of every hour from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., repeating the following morning at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
SCVTV runs on Time Warner Cable Channel 20 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and streaming on
33 Comments for SCV NewsBreak: Tuesday, May 17, 2015
  1. SCVTV Santa clarita is wrong the minimum wage only applies to Los Angeles city only..

  2. A dead body AND an increase in minimum wage? Wow! Things are happening in Santa Clarita. Funny how no one addresses the dead body in the comments… How desensitized we all are. Sad…

  3. Well people can come up to Santa Clarita for dinner when the small business like restaurants go under like they are doing in Seattle. This Democrat run Los Angeles is going to end up like Detroit or Baltimore with a the liberal crap going on in the LA City Council.

  4. Well people can come up to Santa Clarita for dinner when the small business like restaurants go under like they are doing in Seattle. This Democrat run Los Angeles is going to end up like Detroit or Baltimore with a the liberal crap going on in the LA City Council.

  5. Gil Castro says:

    These business will just automate the process of ordering fast food and have only a few people on staff to serve and cook. No need for a front line person when you can order and pay for it yourself through an automated machine.

  6. Gil Castro says:

    These business will just automate the process of ordering fast food and have only a few people on staff to serve and cook. No need for a front line person when you can order and pay for it yourself through an automated machine.

  7. Instead of asking why McDonalds isn’t paying someone 30 grand a year, why aren’t people asking why all of a sudden people can’t find real good paying jobs in this country and have to resort to jobs meant for high schoolers? The incompetent people in charge at a state and nationwide level must love this distraction.

  8. Instead of asking why McDonalds isn’t paying someone 30 grand a year, why aren’t people asking why all of a sudden people can’t find real good paying jobs in this country and have to resort to jobs meant for high schoolers? The incompetent people in charge at a state and nationwide level must love this distraction.

  9. Donn Miller says:

    Who the hell cares about what the city of LA does? That’s one reason why i moved here. And what town? Castaic?

  10. Minimum wage is a starting point for most first jobs. It’s usually a stepping stone then mints people move up to different jobs that make more money. I don’t want to hear people complain when prices go up at stores ect.

  11. Brian Schulz says:

    disagree with minimum wage increase. Why should a burger flipper go up to 30 grand a year? Fireman make an average of 45k a year they train years and years have to be in shape and have extreme stressful jobs. some fireman make 25-30 grand a year. Why should a burger flipper make that much. I understand were trying to give people more money, more money seems to equal a better, easier life. Then you have people who have been flipping burgers for 10 years, they started at 7 bucks an hour and are just now making 12-13 an hour, Why should somebody doing it for 10 years go right back to making the same as a newb burger flipper….. Need to start putting caps on the CEO’s have a McDonald’s CEO make idk 300k a year. that means employees can make more, then again a some CEO’s work their whole life to make the millions. Seems in another 10 years well be right back where we started and this will all be for nothing

    • Jon Mogey says:

      its about everyone’s pay going up… no one working 40 hours a week should struggle to live. not sure why you cant comprehend that… it has nothing to do with burger flippers…. people at grocery stores, cashiers, etc all work for minimum wage… an unlivable wage.

      • nicole says:

        Just to let you know the majority of people that work at grocery stores make more than minimum wage. Its pretty much the courtesy clerks that make minimum wage. And if you look at the people bagging your food. Most of them are still in high school.

    • No fireman should make 30k or less a year that’s absurd and realistically you won’t be having anyone working at McDonalds and co in the future considering technological advances.

    • Blake Frye says:

      The former CEO of McDonald’s was paid almost 9 million dollars last year. CEOs will not willingly take a humongous cut to their pay.

      Like Jon said, everyone needs a raise.
      People hate on fast food workers protesting for a raise but do not realize they are willingly helping the CEOs keep low wages in place by doing so.

    • Blake Frye says:

      But hey, minimum wage increases don’t matter as much as they should, because prices of everything raises. It’s pathetic.

    • Minimum wage jobs that can be performed by 15 year old high school students aren’t jobs you should be “living on”. They are entry level jobs. If you can’t learn skills to better your value as an employee, then obviously you can’t support yourself, and shouldn’t be demanding more handouts so you can continue to do the minimium expecting to receive more

    • Jon Mogey says:

      Exactly blake…. ceos don’t need no 9 mil a year especially McDonald’s whose poisoning the world. People are so misinformed tho like brIan is

    • Do the math. Divide a CEO’s salary (of a large corporation) among the employees. It amounts to nothing. Enough with the emotional arguments when it comes to minimum wage and start listening to economists who overwhelmingly say it does more harm than good.

    • I like millions of others won’t pay 20 bucks for a Big Mac Combo.

    • I like millions of others won’t pay 20 bucks for a Big Mac Combo.

    • Kathe Rich says:

      You won’t have to. Just watch.

    • Todd McHenry says:

      What i am not seeing in any posts is the impact on the consumer. Minimum wage goes up, guess what? Cost of goods go up too. Work force has to be cut. So that restaurant you like to go to…. you pay a lot more for a lot slower service. I see unemployment going up again. Way to go

    • Blake Frye says:

      Michael, it has been shown that your purchase of a Big Mac would only raise about 50 cents if minimum wage was doubled… If you would like a source on that I did a quick google search for you:

      And so Scott, with the ever rising cost of living especially in California. You expect workers “unable to learn skills” to just sit by and rot, falling into poverty? Unable to support themselves? What if these people are not as well-off as you obviously are and can’t afford an education?

      What is your job? I surely hope it is something that pays more than 15/hr or the equivalent in salary because I would surely hate to find out you are just another person letting their own jealousy and competitiveness push others into the dirt.

    • Blake Frye says:

      Chris I agree, sure a CEOs salary isn’t anything divided amongst a work force, but that isn’t the point. It clearly illustrates the ever increasing gap between us bottom feeders and the CEOs of major companies.

      Sure economists may say wage increases do not help. But what are we left to do in a world where the cost of living is constantly going up? Wage increases aren’t the problem here. Mankind’s greed and selfishness (at least in the U.S.) are the problems at hand.

  12. Wouldn’t the minimum wage increase only take effect within city limits?

  13. Agustin Gonzalez

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