Smithsonian Nat'l Air & Space Museum | STEM in 30 | The Biology of Long-Term Spaceflight
Since the first humans launched into space in 1961, there have been questions about how the human body would react to being beyond Earth’s atmosphere. While most of the basic questions have been answered, many remain, and are the basis for continued research on the International Space Station. Finding answers to these questions is an important step toward sending humans to Mars. Join STEM in 30 as we explore this research and the impact of long-term space travel on the human body. The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s STEM in 30 series of live, fast-paced, 30-minute webcasts are designed to increase interest and engagement in STEM for students. In recognition of the premiere of Star Trek, 50 years ago this September, this episode of STEM in 30 explores how one of the most popular shows in television history has inspired generations of scientists, astronauts, and engineers, and introduced many technologies that have gone from science fiction to science reality. (c)2017 Smithsonian | SCVTV
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