Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 2-21-17 | NASA Career Talk
NASA- Are you interested in Space? Being an Engineer and Designing new things? Do you like to learn about Science? Come hear Mr. Chong talk about his exciting work with NASA’s Atomic Deep Space Clock. He will be here for our Career Talk in the Library on February 21st, 2017. Come bring your lunch and hear about this exciting career field and project.
I.D-Students, please remember that you MUST have your student I.D card with you at all times, especially when you need to purchase items at the ASB window. Students that do not have their student I.D. card with them at the time of purchase will be sent to the back of the line. If you have lost or misplaced your I.D. card, please visit the library to purchase a new one for $5.
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