Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 3-14-17 | Honor Society Field Trip
HONOR SOCIETY – All 7th and 8th grade Honor Society students who are still interested in attending the March 29th field trip to the Science Center…it’s not too late! There are approximately 20 seats left. Turn in your payment with permission slip to the ASB window no later than brunch on Wednesday.
CANYON HIGH – 8th graders interested in participating in a sport at Canyon High School next year, please attend an open house meeting on Tuesday March 14th at 6:00pm in the Canyon GYM. There you will get a chance to meet your future coach and get information about tryouts. Go Cowboys!
PENNY WARS – Hey Sierra Vista, our next turn in day for Penny Wars is Wednesday, March 15th, during brunch in the quad. Don’t forget that: pennies are NEGATIVE points and silver change and bills/checks are POSITIVE points. Checks should be made to the “Leukemia and Lymphoma Society” with the team name written on the check. The team that earns the most positive points per student gets a pizza party!!! Keep collecting that change!
MARCH MADNESS – Starting Tomorrow, March 14th the Sierra Vista March Madness tournament will be starting. We will have three games featuring Drop Off vs Splash Bros, Triples vs Popeye Boys and Lob City Finishers vs The McFly’s. Come out to the basketball courts and support your fellow Sierra Vista students.
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS – Yearbook Sales are still going on but after spring break prices will go up to $75 so make sure to buy yours at the ASB window today or buy yours at home just by going to and navigate to the top menu click on Yearbooks and press BUY YOUR YEARBOOK then fill out the boxes for our School Information and click on our school and proceed to buying your Yearbook!
BOOK FAIR – The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our library next week on March 20th! The theme is “It’s S’more Fun with Books.” We will have lots of cool books for 7th and 8th graders along with fun school supplies and gifts. This is the SV Library’s big fundraiser of the year, so please support us. Also, we really need some parent volunteers to help us run the fair. Ask your parent to sign up by visiting the library’s website or emailing Mrs. Fulleman. See you at the Fair!
DR.BARNES IS COMING – Many of you SV Plainsman have expressed an interest in working with Animals or becoming a veterinarian. This Friday at Lunch, Dr. Barnes from Sweetwater Veterinary clinic, in Agua Dulce will be here with her Special guest to talk about her career working with both big and small animals. If you have ever considered a career working with animals, this is your chance to ask questions and get information about what your future career and training would look like and hear about what the positives and fun parts are in each day. Please come join us in the Library at Lunch on Friday. Yes, you can bring your lunch, it’s first come, first seated basis.This career speaker is going to have lots of answers and interesting stories about getting to work with animals.
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