Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 4-13-17
SPURS STUDENTS OF THE MONTH- The Spurs Team would like to congratulate the following students for achieving Student of the Month for April: ASB APPLICANTS- Attention students that applied for ASB for their 2017-2018 elective. The list of accepted applicants will be posted on SVLife by 6 pm on Friday, April 14th, so please refer to this page. Thanks to everyone that applied! 8TH GRADE FIELD TRIP- Attention 8th-gradede students, the annual 8th grade end-of-the-year field trip to Magic Mountain will be taking place on Wednesday, May 31st. Tickets go on sale THIS Monday, April 17th through Friday, May 5th, for $55 at the ASB window. For Magic Mountain season pass holders, the cost is $20 but a valid Season Pass must be shown at the time of purchase. Checks should be made payable to: Sierra Vista Jr. High ASB with student ID # on the memo line. Students must have the attached permission slip signed on both sides and completed at the time of purchase – NO EXCEPTIONS. Be sure to have your student ID card with you when you purchase your ticket or you will be sent to the back of the line. Ticket includes admission to Magic Mountain, Commemorative Shirt and Transportation. Please pick up the permission slip at the ASB window. Please buy your ticket early to avoid long lines! EGGSTRAVAGANZA EGG HUNT!- This Friday at brunch we’ll be having an “Eggstravaganza” egg hunt! You and a friend will go on a hunt around campus to find some eggs. When you find an egg, bring it to the outdoor stage to get your candy. Happy hunting, from ASB! FUN FRIDAY!- Come join us for Fun Friday. We will be having teams of your choice sign-up to play a game of volleyball in the quad. We will be having music also. Please be aware that space is limited, so come to room 1002 ASAP to sign-up. We only have so much time at lunch, so teams will only be able to play for 15 minutes. Hope to see you there. DFYIT MEMBERS- DFYIT’s X-Week, promoting a drug-free lifestyle and fun activities starts next week, April 17th. Monday we will be out in the quad at lunch signing a banner. Tuesday we will be spinning a trivia wheel and handing out goodies, and Wednesday Wear your DFYIT shirt, and come to the after school meeting for a free piece of pizza and fun activity! Only those wearing DFYIT shirt will get a piece of pizza. See you all next week starting Monday! MIX IT UP DAY- Mix it up day is coming up on April 17th at brunch! Your B period teachers will be passing out labels, then come to Room 1002 to participate. Come and mix it up with us. Hope to see you there! VIDEO GAMERS- Attention Video Game Club Members. This week only, Video Game Club will be FRIDAY after school in room 101 because of a time conflict in Mrs. Flaherty’s schedule. If you cannot make it, no worries. We will resume our normal schedule after school on Thursdays April 27th. Thanks for understanding! CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES- Today in clubs and activities the Fandom club will meet in room 1206 at lunch. (c)2017 WSHUHSD | SCVTV
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