Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 4-17-17
MUSTANGS STUDENTS OF THE MONTH- Team Mustangs would like to congratulate Alyssa Vides and Alex Ulloa as the students of the Month. Alyssa and Alex have both demonstrated excellent academic achievement and are a pleasure to have in class. Way to go Alex and Alyssa!
MIX IT UP DAY!!- Mix-It-Up day is arriving on Monday, April 17th! Your B period teachers will be explaining the purpose of this event and pass out labels. Drop by room 1002 after your B period class with your labels to come and mix it up with us!
LIP SYNC BATTLE- Hey students! Come out to the quad on April 21st at lunch to see the epic lip sync battle between the teachers! The teams competing against each other are the Popcornopolis sales winners which are the Trailblazers and Gold Rush!! You don’t want to miss out on this hilariously entertaining event the whole school will be talking about!
TALENT SHOW PRACTICE- Attention Talent Show contestants: this is just a reminder that our first practice will be after school today at 2:15 in the MPR. Our next practice will be on Thursday at the same time and place. The rehearsal will be on Wednesday, April 26th at 2:15 as well. Please see Mrs. Terranova in room 1002 if you have any questions or concerns.
MAGIC MOUNTAIN FIELD TRIP- Attention 8th grade students, the annual 8th grade end-of-the-year field trip to Magic Mountain will be taking place on Wednesday, May 31st. Tickets go on sale THIS Monday, April 17th through Friday, May 5th, for $55 at the ASB window. For Magic Mountain season pass holders, the cost is $20 but a valid Season Pass must be shown at the time of purchase. Checks should be made payable to: Sierra Vista Jr. High ASB with student ID # on the memo line. Students must have the attached permission slip signed on both sides and completed at the time of purchase – NO EXCEPTIONS. Be sure to have your student ID card with you when you purchase your ticket or you will be sent to the back of the line. Ticket includes admission to Magic Mountain, Commemorative Shirt and Transportation. Please pick up the permission slip at the ASB window. Please buy your ticket early to avoid long lines!
CANYON ASB APPLICANTS- If you are an eighth grader interested in applying for Canyon ASB as your freshmen elective next year, there will be an informational meeting about Canyon ASB that will discuss how to apply in the MPR during lunch THIS Tuesday, April 18th. Please be prompt! If you have any questions, please email the Canyon ASB adviser, Mrs. Hinze, at
CANYON CHEER APPLICANTS- To any student or teacher who needs to turn in a recommendation form for Canyon Cheer, please submit all forms by Tuesday, April 18th. You can send them directly to Mr. Molloy at Canyon High School, or turn them in to our counseling office where we make sure they get sent to Canyon. Please see Mrs. Saunders with any questions. Good luck!
APRIL BIRTHDAYS – Just a reminder, all April birthdays are now in the bulletin board out side of the ASB office. So go check if your name is there!
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