Around Town | Santa Clarita Community Forum: ‘Building Strength through Diversity.’
Al-Umma Center of Santa Clarita Valley, the Islamic Center of Santa Clarita Valley, and the Santa Clarita Valley Interfaith Council held a community forum for the Santa Clarita Valley and all other interested citizens on Saturday. Panel speakers included Mohamed Abdelghani, Jim Hall, Adriana Romero, Christy Smith, Tyger White and special guest speaker Mayor of Santa Clarita Cameron Smyth. (c) 2017 SCVTV |
I agree, tired of radical leftist approach to forcing their idea of america.down our throats..while we are at war with radicals….anything that differs from their bs…called hate….that’s not american…it’s more russian!
“Diversity”?? Are you kidding me? All that does is weaken us, not strengthen us!