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City of Santa Clarita | Groundbreaking Ceremony for Newhall Ranch Road Bridge Widening Project

Uploaded 05/02/2017

Groundbreaking Ceremony for Newhall Ranch Road Bridge Widening Project

City officials, Los Angeles County of Public Works, and community members broke ground on Newhall Ranch Road to celebrate the start of construction for the Newhall Ranch Road Bridge Widening Project.

This multi-million dollar project will widen the Newhall Ranch Road Bridge over the San Francisquito Creek, providing an additional lane in each direction, a raised median and a protected sidewalk and bike trail.

As part of the Building & Creating Community theme in the Santa Clarita 2020 plan, this project will cater to our growing community and support the great lifestyle residents already enjoy.

Watch the full groundbreaking ceremony above.

(c) 2017 SCVTV
3 Comments for City of Santa Clarita: Groundbreaking Ceremony for Newhall Ranch Road Bridge Widening Project
  1. look at all that traffic behind them…justifies the need for this expansion!

  2. Owen Ceebee says:

    OK, so where’s the wildlife bridge provided somewhere else to offset it?

  3. Brian says:

    Why? It’s already six lanes! I would think there are many other improvements to be made to our roads than widening this stretch of road…

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