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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 5-19-17
FUN FRIDAY POSTPONED- Attention students that signed up for today’s Fun Friday soccer game, the game needs to be postponed to next Wednesday. Please be sure that if you signed up that you turned in the signed waiver to participate. Please see Mrs. Terranova in room 1002 if you have any questions.
ASB OFFICER ELECTIONS- Attention 7th grade students, campaigning for ASB officer elections for the 2017-2018 school year has begun! Please be respectful of all campaign posters and fliers around campus. The candidates for secretary are: Alondra Alanis and Brennan Bays. For treasurer: Tanner Miele. And the candidates for president are: Alyssa Lopez, Valeria Alanis, Emily Guluzza, Molly Martinez-Goyette, and Ffion Osahon. Campaign speech videos are available for viewing on Sierra Vista Life NOW! Seventh graders, an electronic ballot will be emailed to you–at your school email–on Thursday, May 18th. The voting window closes at 2:30pm on Friday, May 19th. Officer positions will be posted by 5pm on Friday on SVLife! Good luck to all of the candidates.
Attention Student Softball Team! Practices are today 5/16 at lunch and Friday 5/19 at lunch. Don’t forget your gear. If you have a bat please drop it off in the boys and girls locker rooms before school.
DEPUTIES OF MONTH FOR RANGERS- Team Rangers would like to congratulate our Deputies of the Month, Margarita Chavez, Katherine Portillo, Karley Shaughnessy, Ryan Lebetsamer, Hayden Thomas!!! These students are always respectful to others, and they are well liked by their peers and teachers. They all put forth 100% effort in all that they do, and they all exemplify the Rangers’ motto of Courage, Integrity & Perseverance! It is an honor to have Margarita, Kathrine, Karley, Ryan & Hayden on Team Rangers!
LIBRARY SERVICE DATES- Here are some very important dates regarding library services. Monday, May 22nd – All library books are due. Tuesday, May 23rd – This is the last day for students to do extra credit or make-up SRC testing in the library during lunch. Tuesday is also the last day the library is open for students to visit before or after school, brunch, or lunch. Tuesday May 23rd through Thursday May 25th are textbook collection days. Check the schedules posted around campus to see when you need to bring in your textbooks from home. Please only bring your books on your scheduled day. You should bring them in a bag with your name on it to your collecting teacher’s classroom before school starts. Any students owing materials or fines to the library will be on the LOP list and unable to participate in fun end-of-the-year activities or pick up their yearbook. So start looking for all of your books today!
Attention 8th grade students: The last day of school 8th grade BBQ is quickly approaching! The BBQ will take place on Thursday, June 1st, from 9 a.m. – 11:35 a.m., behind the Boys and Girls Club. ASB requests a $5 cash contribution to obtain a ticket, which will be available for purchase from Monday, May 22nd, through Wednesday, May 31st, at the ASB window. Please be sure tp clear your name off the Library LOP list, and please bring your ID when obtaining a ticket at the ASB office. The items included with admission to the BBQ are:
• A Colorful Lei
• A Tommy’s Burger and Fries
• A Self-service Glitter Tattoo
• 1 – Souvenir Picture
• Access to All Games and Attractions
• Refreshing beverage
• Shaved Ice Truck
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Terranova in room 1002.
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES-Today in clubs and activities the Minecraft club will be meeting in room 1205 at lunch.
TRAILBLAZER STUDENTS-Congratulations Trailblazer Students of the Week, Imani Foster and Jake Callahan. Imani is new to our school but she has made such an impact in our classes. She is a terrific student and respectful to her peers and teachers. Jake is such a hard worker and always gives 100% in his classes. He has a positive attitude and is kind to everyone. It is a pleasure having them on our team.
Safe School Ambassadors, the time has come for our end-of-the-year potluck! We appreciate everything you did for our school, students and staff this year, so we want to celebrate your accomplishments. On Wednesday, May 24th, please bring any contributions like chips, cookies, fruit, drinks, and so forth to Room 101 before school, and then join us at the beginning of lunch for the feast. Not sure what or how much to bring? See Mrs. Flaherty in room 101 with questions. Thank you!
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