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Saugus High School | Saugus News Network, 5-26-17 | Mr. Bolde’s Retirement

Uploaded 05/26/2017

Saugus News Network, 5-26-17 | Mr. Bolde’s Retirement

Daily Show.
Jack Anschultz
Hailey Rutter
Mr. Bolde’s retirement

The Saugus News Network team present their final show of the semester and a video in honor of Mr. Bolde’s 14 year service as principle of Saugus High School.

2 Comments for Saugus High School: Saugus News Network, 5-26-17 | Mr. Bolde’s Retirement
  1. Erika Derry says:

    Well done SNN!

  2. He still had things left unsaid on the 26th??

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