Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 5-26-17
8TH GRADE BBQ- Attention 8th grade students: The last day of school 8th grade BBQ is quickly approaching! The BBQ will take place on Thursday, June 1st, from 9 a.m. – 11:35 a.m., behind the Boys and Girls Club. ASB requests a $5 cash contribution to obtain a ticket, which will be available for purchase from Monday, May 22nd, through Wednesday, May 31st, at the ASB window. There is a waiver on the back of the BBQ flier that MUST be signed by your parent or guardian in order for you to go on the inflatables! Please be sure tp clear your name off the Library LOP list, and please bring your ID when obtaining a ticket at the ASB office. The items included with admission to the BBQ are: STAFF VS STUDENT SOFTBALL- Our 4th Annual Staff vs. Student Softball Game will be taking place TODAY at lunch out on the baseball field. Come watch the undefeated teachers take on this years 8th grade team. It’s going to be a great game, so don’t miss it! MAGIC MOUNTAIN FIELD TRIP- Attention 8th graders attending the trip to Magic Mountain on Wednesday, May 31st: here is some important information: DEPUTIES OF THE MONTH- Team Rangers Deputies of the Month are Esmeralda Ocampo and Priscilla Lomeli. These students have shown good work ethic throughout the end of the school year and are very deserving of this honor.
PICK UP LINES WITH PATRICK- On today’s show, we have the Finale of Pick Up Lines With Patrick.
(c)2017 WSHUHSD | SCVTVCLUBS AND ACTIVITIES- Today in clubs and activities the Minecraft Club will be meeting in room 1205 at lunch.
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