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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 10-29-18

Uploaded 10/29/2018

Sierra Vista Life, 10-29-18

THIRST PROJECT:  DFY in SCV is still collecting plastic bottles for the Thirst Project.  Please bring recyclables to room 305. We are collecting until November 2nd.  


BROWN BAG PRESENTATION:  Attention 7th Graders:  Our first Brown Bag Presentation, “Creepy Creatures” will be this Thursday, November 1st, in the SV Library during lunch.  “Brown Bag” means you can bring your own lunch to eat in the library, plus we will have free snacks and water bottles for you.  Our guest speakers will be the Placerita Nature Center Park Rangers. They are bringing in live creepy creatures such as snakes, tarantulas, and raptors, to share with our students.  Ask your 7th grade science teacher for a free ticket. Ticket holders will be admitted first, and all others (including 8th graders) may then enter as seating space allows. Don’t miss out on this exciting event!


COSTUME CONTEST:  Do you have a costume that you want to show off? Come out to the outdoor stage on October 31st at lunch for the Staff and Student Halloween costume contest! Sign up with the google form posted on the Sierra Vista home page by the end of the day on October 30th. Please make sure your costume is appropriate and follows our school’s dress code. Participants will need to come to room 1002 at brunch on the 31st for ASB to check your costume.


PARTY N’ PLAY:  Attention students that raised $60 or more for the “Let’s Do This” fundraiser – this is just a reminder that the “Party N Play Day” is THIS Friday. Please be sure to wear comfortable, sensible clothes for inflatables. Students that get to participate will be receiving a bracelet during their “B” period that they should put on as soon as they receive it, which allows them into the event. If you did not earn the Party N Play Day prize, please see the special classroom listing and schedule posted by your team teachers that state where you will be on this day. A list of students that have obtained $60 or more is posted in the ASB bulletin cabinet on the back of the office. Please see Mrs. Terranova in room 1002 if you have any questions.


CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES:  Today in clubs and activities we have the dance club after school in the MPR, and the fitness club in the fitness center after school.

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