Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 11-22-19
Turkey Week: Friday (TODAY!): Face Painting at lunch by 1002 and the Turkey Bowl Game with Team Float Parade at 1:20. Turkey Bowl Team Floats: During the SV Life Announcements today students will vote on their favorite floats. First place gets 150 dollars for their team, second place gets 100 dollars and third place gets 50 dollars. There will be a Team Float Parade during the Turkey Bowl. Activity During the Turkey Bowl: Come see Ms. Flaherty outside of the SUCCEED Center on Friday during brunch to grab a ticket to a special activity you can participate as an alternative to the Turkey Bowl game. You will come make a special cookie craft to give and to show your thanks to someone you really care about. You must have an entry ticket to get into this activity during the Turkey Bowl and there is a very limited amount of tickets available. Only 75 tickets will be given out. Tickets will only be given at brunch today. SVCARES Club Members: Attention SVCARES CLUB MEMBERS, please mark your calendars for our next meeting, MONDAY DEC 2, after school in the SLC (room #612). We have a big project for the month of December, and all service hours earned can be applied to the Spring semester. We will also discuss our End of the Semester party, so make sure you attend this meeting so you can sign up to bring something! Clubs And Activities: Today in Clubs and Activities, we have face painting at lunch near room 1002, the Turkey Bowl with the Team Float Parade at 1:20 pm, and an activity during the Turkey Bowl with Ms. Flaherty. For the activity during the Turkey Bowl with Ms. Flaherty you must first come to the SUCCEED Center during brunch to get a ticket. (c)2019 WSHUHSD | SCVTV
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