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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 02-7-20

Uploaded 02/07/2020

Sierra Vista Life, 02-7-20

Brought to you by Sierra Vista Life, the digital journalism class at Sierra Vista Junior High School in Canyon Country, CA.

Valentine’s Time Cake Decorating: Do you like being Creative? Join Mrs. Fossen’s Cake Decorating Class on Wednesday February 12th after school in room 901. Learn to make a Valentines cake and have some fun too! Sign up in the counseling office with Mrs. Knolls.

Giant Thank You Card Signing for Staff Today: Come to the outdoor stage tomorrow at lunch to sign a giant thank you card to the Sierra Vista Staff. We want to recognize how important our SV staff is! Once you sign the card, you will get a piece of candy. ASB hopes to see you there!

No Selling of Non-School Fundraiser Items: Attention students: please note that the selling of non-school fundraiser items on our campus is prohibited. This includes the selling of food items, such as Girl Scout cookies, snacks, candy, etc., as well as other items. All items sold on a school campus must be regulated for liability reasons. Please note, that if you are selling non-school fundraiser items on our campus, that they may be confiscated. Thanks for understanding.

Soccer Intramurals Today: If you signed up for soccer intramurals we will be starting today during lunch. So if you signed up please meet behind the 600’s buildings at the start of lunch. See you out there.

Team Pioneers Students of the Month: Team Pioneers would like to congratulate their students of the month for January. Luke Lagarnia and Madeline Vilte. Luke and Madeline have demonstrated outstanding academic success in the classroom and have been an inspiration to their classmates. Congratulations and keep up the excellent work! Come by Mr. Wolf’s room 605 to pick up your award certificate and prize.

Talent Show Winners: Congratulations to the students who will be performing in the February 20th Talent Show (show graphic with their names.) All of their talents are fantastic and commendable! All students can attend the Talent Show on February 20th from 6-7 pm in our MPR for free, and get to cheer on their classmates!

Fun Friday: This Fun Friday will feature cookie decorating in the MPR at lunch! If you’re interested, you must come to the outdoor stage at brunch to get a cookie ticket because supplies are limited. Only the first 50 people to get a ticket at brunch will be able to make a cookie at lunch, so don’t wait!

Team Spirit Point Rankings: Hey Sierra Vista! Here are the current rankings for team spirit points as of February 3rd! Be sure to listen to the announcements for the next opportunity to help your team earn spirit points.

Spring Honor Society Application: The Spring Honor Society application for both 7th and 8th grade is available now on the Sierra Vista website on the Honor Society page. You need your quarter one and quarter two final grades, and you must use your student gmail to complete the online application. The deadline to submit applications is February 7. See Mrs. Marsh in room 106 if you need help filling it out!

Clubs and Activities: Today in Clubs and Activities, we have Dance Club after school in Room 612, Fun Friday in the MPR, the “We Love Our Staff” event in the Quad, and the Soccer Intramurals behind the 600 buildings.

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