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SCVTV's Community Corner | SCV Walk to End Alzheimer’s, Hart High School Sports, Parent Resource Symposium, Boys & Girls Club Great Futures Breakfast

Uploaded 09/18/2020

SCV Walk to End Alzheimer’s, Hart High School Sports, Parent Resource Symposium, Boys & Girls Club Great Futures Breakfast

On this episode of SCVTV’s Community Corner, hosts Dave Caldwell and Carrie Lujan virtually sit down with James Schramm and Sivana Levine to talk about Santa Clarita’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s and how you can get involved; Jason d’Autremont to get an update on High School Sports and what things will be looking like for high school athletes; Jennifer Thompson to hear about the Parent Resource Symposium’s upcoming virtual event highlighting the dangers of teen vaping; Matt Nelson to chat about the Boys & Girls Club’s Great Futures Breakfast event and how their going to take it virtual.

For more information:
Walk to End Alzheimer’s:
Hart High School:
Parent Resource Symposium:
Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley:

(c) 2020 SCVTV
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