President Obama
President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama
President Obama Holds his Final Press Conference
President Barack Obama
President Obama Holds his Final Press Conference
Episode Listing
01/19/17 | President Obama Holds his Final Press Conference
01/16/17 | President Obama’s Final Weekly Address: The Honor of Serving as President
01/10/17 | Farewell Address to the American People
01/09/17 | President Obama’s Weekly Address: President Obama’s Farewell Address to the Nation
01/05/17 | Armed Forces Full Honor Review Farewell Ceremony
01/03/17 | President Obama’s Weekly Address: Working Together to Keep America Moving Forward
12/22/16 | Ensuring a Fair and Competitive Marketplace
11/09/16 | Statement on the Election and Transfer of Power
10/22/16 | Spurring Airline Competition
10/15/16 | Ensuring America Leads the World Into the Next Frontier
10/02/16 | Paid Sick Leave
09/29/16 | President Obama Greets Olympians; Shoutouts to SCV’s Allyson Felix, Kim Rhode
09/17/16 | President Obama’s Weekly Address: Time for Congress to Do Its Job
09/10/16 | President Obama’s Weekly Address: Upholding the Legacy of Those We Lost on Sept. 11
08/27/16 | Taking Action Against the Zika Virus
08/22/16 | 100th Anniversary of National Park Service
08/14/16 | Fighting Climate Change
07/16/16 | Coming Together to Find Solutions
07/12/16 | President Obama Speaks at Interfaith Service in Dallas
07/08/16 | Statement the Murder of Police Officers in Dallas
07/06/16 | 8,400 Troops to Remain in Afghanistan; No Draw-Down to 5,500
07/02/16 | Serving our Military Families
06/26/16 | New LGBT National Monument
06/14/16 | President Obama Speaks About Florida Gunman, Fight Against ISIL
06/12/16 | President Obama Makes Statement on Shooting in Orlando
07/27/2013 Weekly Address: Better Bargain for Middle Class
07/20/2013 Weekly Address: Confirmation of Rich Cordry, CFPB
07/19/2013 Trayvon Martin
07/13/2013 Weekly Address: Bipartisan Immigration Reform
07/04/2013 Weekly Address: Celebrating Independence Day
06/29/2013 Weekly Address: Confronting Climate Change
06/25/2013 Climate Change Speech
06/22/2013 Weekly Address: Immigration Reform Bill
06/19/2013 Berlin Speech
06/15/2013 Weekly Address: Father's Day
06/08/2013 Weekly Address: Immigration Reform
06/01/2013 Weekly Address: Growing the Economy
05/27/2013 Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery
05/25/2013 Weekly Address: Giving Thanks to Our Fallen Heroes
05/23/2013 Counterterrorism Strategy
04/27/2013 Weekly Address: Deficit Reduction
04/20/2013 Weekly Address: America Stands with the City of Boston
04/15/2013 Comments on Explosions at Boston Marathon
04/13/2013 Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Mom Francine Wheeler
04/11/2013 Obama Presents Medal of Honor to Chaplain Emil Kapaun
04/10/2013 Obama Announces FY2014 Budget
04/06/2013 Weekly Address: Plan to Create Jobs and Cut the Deficit
03/30/2013 Weekly Address: Easter & Passover Greetings
03/23/2013 Weekly Address: Reducing Gun Violence
03/16/2013 Weekly Address: Energy Security Trust
03/09/2013 Weekly Address: End Sequester to Keep Growing the Economy
03/02/2013 Weekly Address: Congress Must Compromise to End Sequester
03/01/2013 Sequestration Cuts Start Today
02/23/2013 Weekly Address: Sequester
02/16/2013 Weekly Address: Economic Plan
02/14/2013 Early Childhood Education
02/12/2013 State of the Union (Enhanced Version)
02/09/2013 Weekly Address: Averting the Sequester
02/02/2013 Weekly Address: Growing the Economy
01/29/2013 Comprehensive Immigration Reform
01/26/2013 Weekly Address: Two Nominees
01/25/2013 Obama Names Denis McDonough as Chief of Staff
01/21/2013 Second Inaugural Address
01/20/2013 Obama Takes Actual Oath of Office
01/19/2013 Weekly Address: Time to Act Against Gun Violence
01/16/2013 Press Conf.: Plan to Curb Gun Violence
01/12/2013 Weekly Address: Ending the War in Afghanistan
01/10/2013 Obama Nominates Jack Lew for Treasury
01/07/2013 Obama Nominates Hagel for Defense, Brennan for CIA
01/03/2013 Obama Signs Defense Bill
01/01/2013 Statement on Fiscal Cliff Compromise
12/15/2012 Weekly Address: Shooting in Newtown, Conn.
12/14/2012 Statement on Shooting in Newtown, Conn.
06/19/2012 Press Conference at G20 Summit
06/15/2012 Children of Illegal Immigrants
04/04/2012 New Law Bars Congressional Insider Trading
02/13/2012 FY 2012-2013 Federal Budget
01/24/2012 State of the Union Address
01/05/2012 Defense Strategic Review
01/04/2012 Appointment of Richard Cordray
12/14/2011 Address to Troops at Fort Bragg
11/24/2011 Weekly Address: Thanksgiving Message
11/21/2011 Statement: Congressional Supercommittee's Failure
11/21/2011 Bill Signing: Tax Breaks for Hiring Military Vets
11/19/2011 Weekly Address: An Economy Built to Last
11/04/2011 Press Conference: G-20 Summit
10/08/2011 Weekly Address: American Jobs Act
08/27/2011 Weekly Address: Observing 9/11
08/06/2011 Weekly Address: Growing the Economy Faster
08/05/2011 Job Initiative for Post-9/11 Veterans
07/31/2011 Statement on Deficit Agreement
07/30/2011 Weekly Address: Call for Compromise on Debt Ceiling
07/29/2011 Status of Debt Ceiling Negotiations
07/25/2011 Address to the Nation: National Debt
07/23/2011 Weekly Address: Strengthening the Economy
07/18/2011 Richard Cordray for Consumer Financial Protection
07/16/2011 Weekly Address: Fiscal Security
07/15/2011 Obama Calls Crews of STS-135, Space Station
07/12/2011 Medal of Honor Ceremony | SFC Leroy A. Petry
07/09/2011 Weekly Address: Meeting Fiscal Challenges
07/08/2011 June Job Numbers
07/05/2011 Deficit Reduction
07/02/2011 Weekly Address: Cutting Deficit, Creating Jobs
06/25/2011 Weekly Address: Manufacturing Investment
06/22/2011 The Way Forward in Afghanistan
06/18/2011 Weekly Address: Father's Day
06/11/2011 Weekly Address: Spurring Job Growth
06/04/2011 Weekly Address: Auto Industry Turnaround
05/30/2011 Nominees for Key Defense Posts
05/30/2011 Memorial Day Service, Arlington
05/28/2011 Weekly Address (Biden): Resurgent Automakers
05/21/2011 Weekly Address: Reforming NCLB
05/25/2011 Address to British Parliament
05/19/2011 Middle East & North Africa
05/14/2011 Weekly Address: Expanding Oil Production
05/10/2011 Comprehensive Immigration Reform
05/07/2011 Weekly Address: Clean Energy Innovation
05/06/2011 Obama, Biden Visit Troops at Fort Campbell
05/01/2011 Death of Osama bin Laden
04/30/2011 Weekly Address: Ending Big Oil Subsidies
04/28/2011 Nominations: Panetta for SECDEF, Petraeus for CIA
04/27/2011 Obama Birth Certificate
04/23/2011 Weekly Address: Clean Energy Future
04/20/2011 Facebook Town Hall
04/16/2011 Weekly Address: America's Fiscal Future
04/09/2011 Weekly Address: Budget Compromise
04/02/2011 Weekly Address: Gas Prices
03/28/2011 Address to the Nation on Libya
03/26/2011 Weekly Address: Mission in Libya
03/19/2011 Weekly Address: Latin American Exports
03/18/2011 Situation in Libya
03/12/2011 Weekly Address: Paycheck Fairness Act
03/11/2011 Press Conf.: Gas Prices, Japan Quake, Libya
03/10/2011 Bullying Prevention
03/05/2011 Weekly Address: Cutting Waste, Investing in the Future
03/04/2011 Phone Call to Int'l Space Station
03/03/2011 Press Conf. with Mexican Pres. Felipe Calderón
03/02/2011 Shooting in Frankfurt, Germany
02/26/2011 Weekly Address: Traveling the Country
02/22/2011 Forum on Small Business
02/18/2011 Out-Educating the Competition (Intel)
02/19/2011 Weekly Address: Winning the Future at Intel
02/12/2011 Weekly Address: 2011-12 Budget Proposal
02/11/2011 Resignation of Hosni Mubarak
02/05/2011 Weekly Address: American Innovation
02/03/2011 National Prayer Breakfast
02/01/2011 Situation in Egypt
01/29/2011 Weekly Address: Outperforming Our Competitors
01/25/2011 State of the Union (Enhanced Version)
01/24/2011 Support for Military Families
01/22/2011 Weekly Address: Global Competitiveness
01/21/2011 "Competing in the Global Economy"
01/19/2011 Obama & Hu Address U.S., Chinese Business Leaders
01/15/2011 Weekly Address: Tragedy in Tucson
01/12/2011 Memorial to Tucson Shooting Victims
01/08/2011 Shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Others
01/08/2011 Weekly Address: Tax Cuts Kicking In
01/07/2011 December Jobs Report
01/01/2011 Weekly Address: Moving America Forward
12/25/2010 Weekly Address: Merry Christmas
12/22/2010 News Conf.: Lame-Duck Congressional Session
12/18/2010 Weekly Address: New START Treaty
12/16/2010 Annual Afghanistan-Pakistan Review
12/11/2010 Weekly Address: Middle Class Tax Cuts
12/7/2010 Press Conf.: Tax Cuts & Jobless Benefits
12/6/2010 Extension of Tax Cuts & Jobless Benefits
12/4/2010 Weekly Address (Biden): Middle Class Tax Cuts
12/1/2010 With Gen. Colin Powell on New START Treaty
11/29/2010 Federal Pay Freeze Proposal
11/25/2010 Thanksgiving Address
11/24/2010 Pardoning of National Thanksgiving Turkey
11/20/2010 Weekly Address: New START Treaty
11/18/2010 New START Treaty & National Security
11/16/2010 Medal of Honor for Army SSGT Salvatore Giunta
11/13/2010 Weekly Address: Exports & Earmarks
11/11/2010 Veterans Day Address in South Korea
11/6/2010 Weekly Address: Compromise on Tax Cuts
10/30/2010 Weekly Address: Working Together on Economy
10/29/2010 Security Alert: Terrorist Threat
10/23/2010 Weekly Address: Repealing Wall Street Reform
10/16/2010 Weekly Address: Rewarding Corporations that Outsource
10/9/2010 Weekly Address: Strengthening Education
10/2/2010 Weekly Address: Solar Power and a Clean Energy Economy
9/25/2010 Weekly Address: GOP Pledge to America
9/23/2010 Clinton Global Initiative
9/22/2010 U.N. Millennium Development Goals Conference
9/18/2010 Weekly Address: GOP Leadership Blocking Obama Policies
9/11/2010 9/11 Service at Pentagon Memorial
9/11/2010 Weekly Address: Remembering 9/11
9/4/2010 Weekly Address: Labor Day
8/31/2010 End of Combat Mission in Iraq
8/28/2010 Weekly Address: Ending Combat Operations in Iraq
8/21/2010 Weekly Address: Campaign Finance Reform
8/14/2010 Weekly Address: Protecting Social Security
8/13/2010 Celebrating Ramadan at The White House
8/10/2010 Teacher Jobs
8/7/2010 Weekly Address: Health Benefits for Seniors
8/6/2010 Reception for Justice-Elect Elena Kagan
8/2/2010 Ending Combat Operations in Iraq
7/31/2010 Weekly Address: Restructuring the Auto Industry
7/27/2010 A Walk Through
7/24/2010 Weekly Address: Moving the Economy Forward
7/20/2010 Press Conference w/ British PM David Cameron
7/17/2010 Weekly Address: "Filibustering Recovery"
7/16/2010 BP Oil Spill Update
7/10/2010 Weekly Address: Help for Vets with PTSD
7/6/2010 Meeting w/ Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
7/3/2010 Weekly Address: A Solar Recovery
7/1/2010 "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"
6/26/2010 Weekly Address: Wall Street Reform
6/23/2010 McChrystal's Resignation & the Mission in Afghanistan
6/19/2010 Weekly Address: Republicans Blocking Progress
6/15/2010 Oval Office Address: BP Oil Spill
6/12/2010 Weekly Address: Medicare Reimbursements
6/5/2010 Weekly Address: BP Oil Spill
6/1/2010 "Full and Vigorous Accounting" of BP Oil Spill
5/28/2010 Gulf Oil Spill: Assessing the Response
5/29/2010 Weekly Address: Memorial Day
5/20/2010 Wall Street Reform in the Senate
5/15/2010 Weekly Address: Wall Street Reform
5/10/2010 Supreme Court Nomination
5/8/2010 Weekly Address: Health Reform Kicks In
5/1/2010 Weekly Address: Campaign Reform
4/30/2010 Louisiana Oil Spill, U.S. Economy
4/24/2010 Weekly Address: Auto Industry
4/17/2010 Weekly Address: Wall Street Reform
4/11/2010 Nuclear Security Summit
4/10/2010 Weekly Address: Middle Class Tax Relief
4/3/2010 Weekly Address: Holiday Greeting
3/28/2010 Remarks to Troops at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan
3/27/2010 Weekly Address: Health Care, Higher Education
3/21/2010 House Passage of Health Care Reform
3/20/2010 Weekly Address: Financial Reform
3/13/2010 Weekly Address: Public Education
3/6/2010 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform
2/27/2010 Weekly Address: Health Reform
2/27/2010 Initial Statement on Chilean Earthquake
2/25/2010 Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform
2/20/2010 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform
2/9/2010 Press Conference After "Bipartisan" Meeting
2/13/2010 Weekly Address: Fiscal Responsiblity
2/6/2010 Weekly Address: Small Business
1/30/2010 Weekly Address: Reining in Budget Deficits
1/27/2010 State of the Union
1/23/2010 Weekly Address: Campaign Finance
1/21/2010 Proposed Banking Regulations: "Volcker Rule"
1/16/2010 Weekly Address: Wall Street
1/15/2010 Haiti Earthquake Relief
1/9/2010 Weekly Address: Health Reform
1/7/2010 Security Review: Attempted Terrorist Attack
1/2/2010 Weekly Address: The Fight Against al-Qaeda
12/24/2009 Weekly Address: Christmas Message
12/19/2009 Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform
12/12/2009 Weekly Address: Financial Reform
12/8/2009 Job Creation & Economic Growth
12/5/2009 Weekly Address: Job Creation
12/1/2009 Afghanistan & Pakistan: The Way Forward
11/28/2009 Weekly Address: Thanksgiving
11/27/2009 White House Christmas Tree
11/25/2009 White House Turkey
11/21/2009 Weekly Address from South Korea
11/14/2009 Weekly Address: Veterans Day & Fort Hood
11/11/2009 Veterans Day Ceremony
11/9/2009 20th Anniversary Berlin Wall
11/7/2009 Weekly Address: Fort Hood Tragedy
11/6/2009 Fort Hood & Jobs Numbers
10/31/2009 Weekly Address: Economic Milestones
10/24/2009 Weekly Address: Small Business & Health Care
10/17/2009 Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform
10/13/2009 Health Care Reform
10/10/2009 Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform
10/3/2009 Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform
9/26/2009 Weekly Address: Foreign Policy
9/23/2009 United Nations General Assembly
9/22/2009 Clinton Global Initiative Speech
9/19/2009 Weekly Address: Consumer Financial Protection
9/17/2009 Missile Defense in Europe
9/12/2009 Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform
9/11/2009 Remembering 9/11
9/11/2009 PSA: Service & Remembrance
9/8/2009 Message to the Nation's Schoolchildren
9/5/2009 Weekly Address: Labor Day
8/29/2009 Weekly Address: Hurricane Katrina Anniversary
8/22/2009 Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform
8/15/2009 Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform
8/8/2009 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform
8/6/2009 Confirmation of Justice Sonia Sotomayor
8/1/2009 Weekly Address: State of the Economy
7/25/2009 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform
7/22/2009 Press Conf.: Health Care Insurance Reform
7/18/2009 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform
7/11/2009 Weekly Address: ARRA "Worked As Intended"
7/4/2009 Weekly Address: Overcoming America's Challenges
7/18/2009 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform
6/27/2009 Weekly Address: Energy Bill
6/23/2009 Remarks on Iran
6/20/2009 Weekly Address: Consumer Financial Protections
6/17/2009 United We Serve
6/13/2009 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform II
6/6/2009 Weekly Address: Health Care Reform
6/4/2009 Speech in Cairo, Egypt
6/2/2009 Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday Act
6/1/2009 General Motors Restructuring
5/30/2009 Weekly Address: SCOTUS Nominee Sonia Sotomayor
5/29/2009 Cybersecurity
5/26/2009 Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor
5/23/2009 Weekly Address: Memorial Day
5/21/2009 National Security
5/16/2009 Weekly Address: Health Care & Energy
5/13/2009 Press Conference: Health Care Reform
5/9/2009 Weekly Address: Credit Card Reform
5/2/2009 Weekly Address: Swine Flu
4/25/2009 Weekly Address
4/18/2009 Weekly Address
4/14/2009 Economic Doctrine: A New Foundation
4/11/2009 Weekly Address
4/4/2009 Weekly Address
3/30/2009 Signing Ceremony: Wilderness Bill
3/28/2009 Weekly Address
3/21/2009 Weekly Address
3/14/2009 Weekly Address
3/7/2009 Weekly Address
2/28/2009 Weekly Address
2/24/2009 Joint Session of Congress
2/21/2009 Weekly Address
2/14/2009 Weekly Address
2/7/2009 Weekly Address
1/31/2009 Weekly Address
1/24/2009 Weekly Address
1/20/2009 Inaugural Address
-- Scroll up for reformatted older videos --
President Barack Obama
President Obama Holds his Final Press Conference
President Barack Obama
President Obama Holds his Final Press Conference
President Obama's Weekly Address
President Obama’s Final Weekly Address: The Honor of Serving as President
President Obama's Weekly Address
President Obama’s Final Weekly Address: The Honor of Serving as President
President Barack Obama
Farewell Address to the American People
President Barack Obama
Farewell Address to the American People
President Obama's Weekly Address
President Obama’s Weekly Address: President Obama’s Farewell Address to the Nation
President Obama's Weekly Address
President Obama’s Weekly Address: President Obama’s Farewell Address to the Nation
President Barack Obama
Armed Forces Full Honor Review Farewell Ceremony
President Barack Obama
Armed Forces Full Honor Review Farewell Ceremony
President Obama's Weekly Address
President Obama’s Weekly Address: Working Together to Keep America Moving Forward
President Obama's Weekly Address
President Obama’s Weekly Address: Working Together to Keep America Moving Forward
President Obama's Weekly Address
Ensuring a Fair and Competitive Marketplace
President Obama's Weekly Address
Ensuring a Fair and Competitive Marketplace
President Barack Obama
Statement on the Election and Transfer of Power
President Barack Obama
Statement on the Election and Transfer of Power
President Obama's Weekly Address
Spurring Airline Competition
President Obama's Weekly Address
Spurring Airline Competition
President Obama's Weekly Address
Ensuring America Leads the World Into the Next Frontier
President Obama's Weekly Address
Ensuring America Leads the World Into the Next Frontier
President Obama's Weekly Address
Paid Sick Leave
President Obama's Weekly Address
Paid Sick Leave
The White House
President Obama Greets Olympians; Shoutouts to SCV’s Allyson Felix, Kim Rhode
The White House
President Obama Greets Olympians; Shoutouts to SCV’s Allyson Felix, Kim Rhode
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City of Santa Clarita
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