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Organization: Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
Date: July 22, 2009
Henry Mayo Blood Drives Benefit Community
Valencia, CA (July 22, 2009) Donating blood is one of the most giving acts that a person can do to help another person in need. Every day, thousands of people rely on blood donors to help them maintain an optimum lifestyle.
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital requires more than 4,000 units of blood during the course of a year. The blood is used to treat trauma patients who come through the hospital's Emergency Department and individuals who rely on the blood for transfusions to maintain their lifestyle.
Blood collected at Henry Mayo is processed by the American Red Cross and dedicated to Henry Mayo. During the June blood drive, 113 units were collected potentially saving the health and lives of up to 339 patients in our hospital.
The hospital's on-campus drives are typically scheduled during times of the year when blood demand is high and supplies low.
There is no substitute for blood. In Southern California, only 3 percent of eligible donors actually donate blood, and during the summer months shelf stock can reach minimal levels. Without the blood drives, supplies could reach dangerously low levels, threatening the health and safety of our patients.
Each regular blood donation accounts for one unit, or one pint, of whole blood. The blood collected is typically separated into three different components plasma, platelets and red cells. These life-saving components can be used separately, or collectively, to treat a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Donated blood is often used to aid accident victims, cancer patients, premature babies, burn patients, or individuals who may need frequent blood transfusions to stay alive.
Henry Mayo's next blood drive will take place August 19, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., in the HMNMH/COC Clinical Education Center, 25727 McBean Parkway, Valencia.
The process is simple and takes approximately one hour.
To make an appointment, please call (661) 253-8888 or register on-line at givelife.org and enter in sponsor code henrymayo.