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Organization: U.S. Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
Date: January 5, 2009
McKeon Outlines Education and Labor Priorities for 111th Congress
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the eve of the 111th Congress being gaveled into session, the top Republican on the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee has unveiled key legislative priorities to help students, workers, and families in the struggling economy. Led by Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-Santa Clarita), Committee Republicans will once again pursue an agenda of economic growth and educational innovation — goals they will hold the Democratic majority in Congress accountable to as well.
    "Working families are facing unprecedented challenges, from an economy that continues to shed jobs to an educational system that is failing to keep American students competitive in a changing world," said McKeon. "In the face of these challenges, we must redouble our commitment to freedom, security, and innovation — principles that will serve us well in workplaces and classrooms alike."
    Among the priorities outlined by McKeon:
    • Expanding choice and flexibility in education. Republicans believe that parents and local communities can make the best educational decisions, especially when they are freed from the shackles of federal bureaucracy and entrenched special interests. That’s why Republicans will continue to promote parental choices and local control.
    • Improving teacher quality. Studies have shown that effective teachers are among the most important factors when it comes to improving student academic achievement. Republicans recognize how important teachers are to overall education reform, and that’s why they will work to strengthen teacher training and reward effective teachers for their success in the classroom.
    • Simplifying college financial aid. To truly make it easier for students to go to college, Republicans believe we must do more than streamline application forms — we must cut through the red tape, increase transparency, and simplify the maze of financial aid programs that have led to today’s daunting process.
    • Strengthening job training to bolster the economy. In a dynamic, global economy, American workers need to be able to retrain for the careers of the 21st century. Republicans are strongly committed to reforming job training and placement initiatives under the Workforce Investment Act to make services for job seekers more accessible and results-oriented.
    • Protecting workplace democracy. Republicans recognize that freedom is at the core of the American value system, and they will fight tirelessly to protect freedom whenever it is at risk. An early test is expected in the 111th Congress when Democrats pursue legislation to strip workers of the right to a secret ballot unionizing election, and that’s why protecting workplace democracy will be at the very top of the GOP agenda.
    • Enhancing health care and retirement security for workers. In times of economic uncertainty, the last thing small businesses need is bureaucratic red tape and costly federal mandates. Republicans are committed to providing health care and retirement options to workers without imposing big-government directives that limit options while raising costs.
    • Providing flexibility for working families. In today’s busy world, families are facing greater demands on their time than ever before, and yet too often, they remain tied to rigid work rules written decades ago. Republicans will pursue new options for workers and employers to create a more flexible workplace.
    "Republicans have a clear vision for strengthening our economy today and sustaining it into the future — by supporting job creation and entrepreneurial freedom, and by fostering educational excellence to train the workforce of tomorrow. These principles will guide us throughout the 111th Congress," said McKeon.
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