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Organization: U.S. Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
Date: January 11, 2009
Big Win for McKeon's Mammoth Community Water District, Wilderness Bills
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) today praised the successful 66 to 12 Senate cloture vote on S. 22, the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, therefore limiting consideration of the measure and blocking a filibuster. The Senate lands bill includes McKeon's Mammoth Lakes Community Water District legislation and the Eastern Sierra Northern San Gabriel Wilderness bill, two pieces of legislation critically important to the 25th Congressional District of California.
    "Today's successful cloture vote in the Senate brings my two district land and water measures closer to final passage" said McKeon. "Both bills were crafted over several years, in a bipartisan spirit, and represent a sensible approach to land and water rights. I was particularly pleased by the inclusion of the Mammoth Community Water District measure, which empowers community leaders in Mammoth to use their natural water resources in ways most beneficial to the people living there."
    Prior to 1987, the Mammoth Community Water District occupied certain lands administered by the Forest Service through a special use permit. At the time, the law allowed the District to acquire 25 acres, but directed that 12 acres of the land could only be used for the purposes for which it had been used prior to the time of the conveyance, principally the storage of materials and for oxidation ponds. Those 12 acres are no longer needed for storage but current law (PL 97-465) forbids the District from using it in an alternative and economically viable way.
    "Local control is still the best approach for land and water usage rights," added McKeon. "The town of Mammoth and Mono County have witnessed a steady, yearly population increase, compelling the need to release the 12 acres of land currently restricted under existing law. My water district measure will allow Mammoth to accommodate for their growing economic needs, and that is something the community has been seeking since 1987. It's about time that community was granted the right to allocate their land as needed."
    The Eastern Sierra and Northern San Gabriel Wild Heritage Act language is also included in the Senate lands bill and is set to give wilderness designations — the highest level of protection and conservation for federal lands — to 472,804 acres of federal public land in California
    "Senator Barbara Boxer and I worked tirelessly to find a practical solution to preserving the wild heritage of the 25th Congressional District. This legislation will increase economic development by preserving land treasured by many and enhancing recreational opportunities in the area," McKeon said.
    The Senate Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 was introduced by Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Jeff Bingaman and includes protections for close to 2 million acres nationwide. California regions with included safeguards are in Riverside County, the Eastern Sierra and Northern San Gabriel Mountains, and the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park.
    The Senate met earlier today after Senator Harry Reid called a special session for a cloture vote on the lands bill. Reid has indicated an interest in bringing the legislation back to the floor this week for passage.
    For more information on McKeon's efforts on both district land and water measures, please visit www.mckeon.house.gov. To view maps of the Eastern Sierra legislation, click here.
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