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Organization: Newhall School District
Date: December 11, 2008
McGrath School Named California Title I Achieving School for Second Year in a Row
Santa Clarita, CA. — Dr. J. Michael McGrath Elementary School has been recognized by the State of California as a Title 1 Academic Achievement Award winner. The school's principal received notice of this award in a December 10th phone call from Jack O'Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
    The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires all states receiving Title I funds to establish a program that recognizes Title I schools that exceed Adequate Yearly Progress for two or more years or significantly close the achievement gap among numerically significant subgroups. In addition to these federal law requirements, California's program has been designed to identify and honor Title I schools that have also doubled their Academic Performance Index (API) growth target for two consecutive years, and that meet a designated median API score in both English-language arts and mathematics.
    McGrath School's API grew by over 50 points over last year and is now at 833. The school made Adequate Yearly Progress for over two years.
    "We are extremely proud of this school," said Marc Winger, superintendent of the Newhall district. "Our teachers, the principal, and students work hard to achieve and we welcome this recognition."
    Title 1 is a federal compensatory education program for schools with high percentages of students living in poverty. Seventy-five percent (75%) of McGrath School's student population participates in the federal free and reduced lunch program.
    McGrath was built six years ago to serve the east Newhall community. For five years it has been making steady academic growth with a challenging student population. Fifty-five percent (55%) of its students are English Language Learners.
    This is the second statewide recognition for McGrath Elementary, which won the recognition last year as well and it comes on the heels of a recent business community recognition as a "Honor Roll" school.
    "We are all part of a special experience that few realize in pubic education," said Larry Heath, principal of McGrath. "My teachers are doing what people do for their own children. They do whatever it takes to insure achievement for every student. The staff at McGrath always keeps all students' needs and achievement front and center."
    To celebrate the extraordinary student achievement scores of McGrath School on the 2008 California STAR Test, students in grades 3-6 will see the film The Tale of Despereaux, at the Edwards Theater on December 19. This film is rated G. The McGrath School PTA is sponsoring this trip and has provided a copy of the book The Tale of Despereaux to each student.
    Title I Academic Achievement Award (AAA) schools will be recognized at the annual State Title I Conference in March. As a result of their distinguished accomplishments, awardees are also encouraged to serve as models for and provide support to other schools.
    In 2007 State Superintendent Jack O'Connell described the awards. ""These outstanding schools have shown that with hard work and tight focus, the challenges of poverty, language, and socioeconomic background can be overcome," said O'Connell. "They have created high-quality, active learning environments where the achievement gap is closing and where all students are reaching the expectations of our state's rigorous standards. In these schools, teachers and administrators work together to ensure that all students are progressing and moving toward graduation that will lead to more productive, successful lives. I am very proud of these schools, their accomplishments, and am pleased to honor them as Academic Achieving Schools."
    More information about this recognition program can be found at www.cde.ca.gov.
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