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SCV NewsBreak | Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Uploaded 10/01/2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

©2013 KHTS AM-1220 | SCVTV

In this episode:
Congressman McKeon talks about his concerns over the state of negotiations as the United States government prepares for a second day of shutdown; Hart district officials have no choice but to appoint a replacement for board member Chris Fall, after he resigned from the term he was appointed to last week.

Police are looking for two suspects who wore bandannas and hoodies Monday night when they held up a pizza place in Canyon Country; A sheriffs department employee at Pitches Detention Center is behind bars on felony charges for allegedly bringing narcotics into a jail facility; local weather.

McGrath Elementary fifth graders hopped on the “Bug Bus” Tuesday to learn all about mosquitoes.

Television viewers can catch the SCV NewsBreak on SCVTV at the top of every hour from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., repeating the following morning at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
SCVTV runs on Time Warner Cable Channel 20 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and streaming on
7 Comments for SCV NewsBreak : Tuesday, October 1, 2013
  1. Frank Rock says:

    I’m certain all of his family proud of him.

  2. That man is on several lists of the most corrupt politicians in DC

  3. Frank Rock says:

    Willing to bet his “conversation” will be laced with catch phrases right out of the GOP play book. It will be attacks on Obamacare, Obama himself and not one shred of blame will be directed toward the GOP. Not one original thought or statement will be uttered by Buck. See if I’m wrong. Would really be nice to hear a reporter with guts grill the good congressman about his voting record and who is financing his office. But SCV TV and KHTS 1220AM won’t dare.

  4. Ethan Jewell says:

    Negotiations? There are no negotiations for the 800,000 workers who are now out of work as a result of McKeon’s failure to negotiate /before the deadline. In addition, we lose .03% in Q4 GDP for every two weeks the shutdown goes on. And we haven’t even had another credit de-rating,…. yet. But the good news is Greece is very grateful for taking the attention and laughter away from them.

  5. Frank Rock says:

    I honestly don’t believe any hardball questions will be thrown at the congressman knowing he has KHTS ands their advertisers by the balls. Prove me wrong.

  6. How did he vote? So annoying

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