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SCVTV News | R.I.P. Newhall Hardware, 4-26-2008

Uploaded 04/26/2008

R.I.P. Newhall Hardware, 4-26-2008

The community turns out to say goodbye to Newhall Hardware, April 26, 2008. Loads of interviews with owner Victor Feany, employees, customers, friends. SCVTV’s Michael Baccelli reports.

(c)2008 SCVTV
6 Comments for SCVTV News: R.I.P. Newhall Hardware, 4-26-2008
  1. I miss the barrel of peanuts, in the back and hard to find parts for anything. And what’s a hardware store without a gun counter? I miss it.

  2. I miss being able to run to Newhall Hardware and even more, Holiday Hardware! Always the best..Frankie the cashier too!

  3. Louis Esbin says:

    An example of the city granting tax preferences to big box retailers at the expense of locally owned small business. Newhall Hardware could have been an anchor for redeveloped downtown Newhall.

  4. Very sad. Newhall Hardware Always had the part I needed. It is hard to forgive our city officials for interfering with free market and driving businesses out of old Newhall.

  5. This still makes me sad :( Newhall was an icon! Our local small hardware brethren…

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