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SCV NewsBreak | Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Uploaded 08/14/2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In this episode:
Two Valencia High School students are recovering from injuries caused after an a crash in Valencia; Enjoying a little play every day is good for kids of all ages and the City of Santa Clarita wants to help families find the perfect activity to get them moving.

Habitat for Humanity is set to break ground on a veteran “enriched” community of new production homes in collaboration with the California Department of Veteran Affairs in November; Supporters of the Brittany Foundation came through last month and helped them win first place in Kriser’s Christmas in July giveaway; local weather.

Our community and California Institute of the Arts lost an insightful photographer, writer and professor last week. Renowned artist Allan Sekula passed away on Saturday after a two-year battle with cancer. He was 62.

Television viewers can catch the SCV NewsBreak on SCVTV at the top of every hour from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., repeating the following morning at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
SCVTV runs on Time Warner Cable Channel 20 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and streaming on
23 Comments for SCV NewsBreak: Wednesday, August 14, 2013
  1. Sherie says:

    Any word on the status of the children hurt in this accident? A little follow up would be nice. Have to agree with the majority here – too many young inexperienced drivers are getting behind the wheel and driving carelessly and too many people are getting hurt!

    • Admin says:

      Yes, it would be nice. Unfortunately it is against the law for hospitals or emergency services personnel to update the media on a living person’s medical condition. We’d only know if someone died.

  2. Tyger White says:

    I agree, Jason.

  3. Tyger White says:

    I agree, Jason.

  4. Solution: stop buying cars for your teen at 16, let them buy their own vehicle and pay their own insurance. That will teach some to value their vehicle instead of using it as a play thing that mommy and daddy handed to them. It’s all about teaching responsibility and eliminating enabling behavior.

  5. The innocent card goes out the window when that teen goes behind the wheel.

  6. The driver is in critical condition. This is someone’s daughter. Have some compassion. This poor young lady could end up loosing her life.

  7. any update on the condition of the driver?

  8. and then there’s the “grammar nazi”…..

  9. Stephen Gold says:

    After being in a crash would be jr high English

  10. Stephen Gold says:

    Check your spelling caused after an a crash…. Right those kids were hauling ass and crashed

  11. Don’t blame a car for a driver’s stupid decision. Best of luck in recovery to the victims, but seriously guys, be conscious of your decisions behind the wheel, not only for yourself, but the other drivers as well.

  12. Kelly Bolan says:

    But this article has nothing to do with the crash. It says everyone enjoys a little play. Maybe read the link.. this picture should even be apart of this article.

  13. Agree that everyone needs to slow, especially on the Bouquet Canyon 500. And can we get some light synchronization in this town?

  14. I remember when I was younger and every 4th of July parade had a float with a mangled car from whatever kid died that year. It was shocking but effective. People are too scared to see the reality of life now days. They cant see beyond the social media craze and all of the other garbage dealt out. Reality consists of life and death, and how the decisions you make can effect the rest of your life, and others.

  15. You said it, Julie!!!!!!!!!

  16. Rick Polanco says:

    Jackasses. Follow the laws.

  17. Screw sensitivity! The truth about reckless driving should be told! There are too many stories covered up about how kids drive around in cars mommy and daddy buy them and use irresponsible practices and total them. If it was a drunk driver that ran into them, a sudden health condition, or even a random car malfunction I can see the sensitivity but if its being careless behind a 2000 pound machine then please show the world!

  18. I agree Julie. I can name 15 other reasons off the top of my head how the youth of Santa Clarita are out of control. Nobody wants to see our kids hurt or feeling pain but this what happens with lack of structure or control by parents. I hope these girls heal quickly and learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately in most cases, the apple never falls far from the tree…

  19. How about people stop living in denial, and look at this picture and realize they need to stop spoiling their kids with sports cars and cell phones before they show the maturity to handle it. Wake up Santa Clarita!

  20. Bree Shields says:

    By the looks of that car, I’m shocked anyone survived.

  21. They were speeding!? People need to slow down in Valencia!

  22. I think you could have chose a better picture a crash next line enjoying a little play…have about a little sensitivity for these kids families

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