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This Week in Santa Clarita: Soledad Canyon Road Corridor Plan

Uploaded 11/02/2013

Soledad Canyon Road Corridor Plan

The City of Santa Clarita wants to hear your thoughts about the future of Soldedad Canyon Road.

More information click here.

©2013 City of Santa Clarita | SCVTV
14 Comments for This Week in Santa Clarita: Soledad Canyon Road Corridor Plan
  1. TJ says:

    When will Santa Clarita Soledad Canyon Corridor Plan Approve New Parking Planning and Zoning Ordinances to Alleviate the lack of Parking? I heard great New Parking Lifts are being proposed but Rejected? What Gives? Soledad Needs Parking Now, Vote Yes for Parking Lifts!

  2. I try and stay away from Soledad…the traffic is a nightmare….sync the lights better so your not at a green light only to stop at a red at the next light…traffic in the afternoon builds from CVS all the way till Sierra hwy….terrible!

  3. I can’t wait to move put of here

  4. Light synchronization citywide, please.

  5. Joseph Yasko says:

    Get rid of the mobile homes at the sand canyon exit! What an eye sore! Put a trader joe’s or whole foods there instead.

  6. we are so glad we moved from there years ago…less traffic and beautiful in Oregon

  7. Mitch Bower says:

    Maybe if the street lighting were improved on all of the road and the utility polls removed from the parts along the river it would be a real parkway.

  8. barbara kehoe says:

    When will Whites Canyon, from Soledad up to Nadal, get a nice median divider?

  9. Koren Young says:

    I’d like to see some higher end retailers come to canyon country. We’ve got to make it easier for businesses to come out here. Less restrictions!

  10. Ryan Young says:

    Koren, what are your thoughts?

  11. Remodel and clean up the store fronts in the center with the Canyon Country post office and Art’s Liquor, please

  12. Sync lights better for morning commute to canyon high/Sierra vista from sand canyon on…that drive is horrible! Try to make bus stops indented so they don’t hold up traffic…what else can be done with it?

  13. JoAnn Smith says:

    Please add a Trader Joes and Whole Foods …..

  14. Nick VaVerka says:

    Figure out a way to build a freeway that connects the 14 to the 126. A real cross-valley connector.

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