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Hart vs. Valencia

Hart vs. Valencia

Uploaded 12/07/2013

By Branden Morris
The Hart Indians took on the Valencia Vikings for the CIF Championship on Friday Dec. 6.

9 Comments for Photo Gallery: Hart vs. Valencia
  1. jeff says:

    The pictures and video looked great

  2. Yes, these are great Pictures…. Who took them?

  3. Such an amazing picture.

  4. Frank Rock says:

    Yea! Hart from class of ’68.

  5. Nick Rose says:

    There is something special about the HART family. My girls love that school. Mike Harrington your the man.

  6. Cliff Kodama says:

    Great coverage SCVTV!!! Great game no doubt – Go Hart!

  7. It was a amazing game!

  8. Saamie Shrum says:

    Way to go Hart!!!! Party hard guys! *dances*

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