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Crew Inadvertently Drills Through High Voltage Line

Crew Inadvertently Drills Through High Voltage Line

Uploaded 01/30/2014

A sub-contractor for SBC inadvertently drilled through a high voltage, underground Edison power line Thursday on Lyons Avenue. As a result, lane closures are in effect on Lyons Avenue as follows, now through Sunday, Feb. 2:

· Westbound left turn lanes on Lyons Avenue at Wheeler Road, Vermont Drive, Everett Drive and the entrance to the Vons Shopping Center just west of Fourl Road.

· Eastbound left turn lane on Lyons Avenue at Avenida Entrana.

· Left Lane on Lyons Avenue Between Wheeler Road and Wiley Canyon Road.

The public is encouraged to use caution and drive safely through these areas.


14 Comments for Photo Gallery: Crew Inadvertently Drills Through High Voltage Line
  1. The City of Santa Clarita needs to ban boring machines. They are going to pucture a gas transmission gas pipe and we are having a San Bruno explosion.

  2. The City of Santa Clarita needs to ban boring machines. They are going to pucture a gas transmission gas pipe and we are having a San Bruno explosion.

  3. The City of Santa Clarita needs to ban boring machines. They are going to pucture a gas transmission gas pipe and we are having a San Bruno explosion.

  4. Hugo Torres says:

    That explains the delay to my Don Cucos visit !!


  6. What’s that number again? 811 before drilling?

  7. Cody Tracy says:

    where is this near

  8. yeah dig alert would have been helpful! No excuse!!

  9. That explains that. Thx, I was curious.

  10. Alicia Ellen says:

    Really now..that’s a big oopsie

  11. Shane Greedy says:

    For real? Guess they don’t know about dig alert?

  12. Eric Baker says:

    There’s a fine from the city inspectors.

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