Valley Industry Association | Understanding and Leveraging Generational Diversity in the Workplace
June 17, 2014 “Understanding and Leveraging Generational Diversity in the Workplace” With the entry of “millennials”(those born 1977-1997) to the work world, the workforce, for the first time, consists of people from five generations, when historically, there have only been three to four at a time. Do you know how to communicate effectively and successfully with each of these generational groups, or do you find yourself struggling to understand not only the lingo of older and younger generations but also the way they work? Join Dr. Dianne Van Hook as she outlines the importance of each generation’s role within today’s work place, understanding multi- generational communication and how it can improve effectiveness within your company or business. ABOUT VIA The Valley Industry Association of Santa Clarita represents business interests throughout the Santa Clarita Valley. VIA provides our members, a blend of industrial, commercial and service companies, the opportunity to collaborate on a broad range of business issues. In addition to being a legislative advocate, VIA serves as a one-stop shop for relevant business information, supports local educational initiatives, and provides networking opportunities. If you are currently doing business in Santa Clarita or are considering moving your business here, VIA is the conduit to business connections in the Santa Clarita Valley. © 2014 SCVTV
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