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SCV Rose Society: ‘Wild West Roses’ Show at Hart Park

SCV Rose Society: ‘Wild West Roses’ Show at Hart Park

Uploaded 11/02/2014

The Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society held its 21st annual Wild West Roses show and third annual art exhibition Saturday and Sunday at William S. Hart Park in Newhall.

Best of Show went to society co-founder and multi-award winner Kitty Belendez for her display of pinkish-lavender Playgirl roses, which were first bred in the United States in 1986.

The show, featuring hundreds of roses and several works of framed art, was co-sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation.

2 Comments for SCV Rose Society: SCV Rose Society: ‘Wild West Roses’ Show at Hart Park
  1. David Levesque says:

    Beautiful Kitty, Wish I was still in the neighborhood, loved your beautiful roses…

  2. Dave says:

    Beautiful Kitty, Wish I was still in the neighborhood, loved your beautiful roses…

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