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SCVTV Sports | Colton Oshiro, Trinity Classical Academy

Uploaded 11/07/2014

Colton Oshiro, Trinity Classical Academy

This week’s Student Athlete of the Week, presented by SCVTV & Wendy’s of Santa Clarita, is Colton Oshiro of Trinity Classical Academy.

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9 Comments for Student Athlete of the Week: Colton Oshiro, Trinity Classical Academy
  1. Stephen says:

    I have sleep apnea, and I used to be tired all the time had high blood pressure and the works. So I got teetsd and was told that there are two options:1. go for surgery (they insert some kind of stiffening agents in the back of your throat to stop it from collapsing), or2. Get a CPAP (Continuous positive air pressure) machine which essentially blows air through your nose/mouth to keep your wind pipe open. I decided to go for the CPAP, and it is worth its weight in gold. It was a bit hard getting used to it initially. I would take it off in my sleep. but after around 1 month of using it I could feel the difference I was more active, more awake, and need to sleep a lot less. ( i have stopped snoring too)So i would say go for a test it is easy, and painless. get a CPAP machine it is the best way to go in the long term.In the big picture, you increased weight (in most cases) causes sleep apnea because you dont have enough sleep your body compensates by eating more becasue you eat more your apnea worsens and you add weight it may lead to high blood pressure and diabetes. this is a downward spiral.If you get treated for apnea you have more sleep you feel less tired your body doesnt need to eat as much you are more active, exersize more you loose weight you control your blood pressure and reduce risk of diabetes. My goal is to loose enough weight so I can get off the CPAP machine (I have been told that this is possible).you do the math . best of luck

  2. Brian Bixler says:

    Congrats! You deserve it!

  3. Brian Bixler says:

    Congrats! You deserve it!

  4. I’m a proud grandma!

  5. Eric Ryan says:

    How about you say something nice about Valencia high school?
    Like the kid from last night crushed it in the game.

  6. Eric Ryan says:

    How about you say something nice about Valencia high school?
    Like the kid from last night crushed it in the game.

  7. Such a talented young man!

  8. Les Robinson says:

    Great Student, great athlete, great person.

  9. Whoot whoot!! Love that kid!

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