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Students Display Science Skills at Annual Science Fair

Students Display Science Skills at Annual Science Fair

Uploaded 02/20/2015

Science was in the air Thursday night at Meadows Elementary School as students got to show off their hard work to faculty members, parents and peers at the annual science fair.

“We have it every year and the students participate and do science experiments,” said Amy Dobry, Meadows Elementary Science Teacher. “They investigate topics that interest them and they have a good time and learn about science.”

The fair is an opportunity to allow 4th through 6th graders to use scientific thinking, experimenting and research in the classroom and at home to prepare for the school wide event.

The schools multipurpose room housed about 100 students plus school staff and parents for the event.

Projects ranged from traditional electricity projects to the more unique like how brain sizes differ depending on whether you are bilingual or not.

Winners from each grade group received trophies honoring their achievement.

In addition to the projects, some Meadows alumni had the opportunity to come back to the school and give the students more hands on projects to work with.

“They are very motivated and interested in learning about the world around them,” said Dobry.


1 Comment for Schools: Students Display Science Skills at Annual Science Fair
  1. Sandra Mora says:

    Great Job! Ella & Jackson

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