| SCV Today: SCV Today: The Painted Turtle

SCV Today: SCV Today: The Painted Turtle

Uploaded 08/06/2015

SCV Today: The Painted Turtle

Thomas Di Prima & Tyler Hamilton from The Painted Turtle Camp joined us to talk about some up coming fundraisers and what the camp does for kids.


©2015 SCVTV
13 Comments for SCV Today: SCV Today: The Painted Turtle
  1. SG Ledoux says:

    These people are doing some miraculous work; kids look forward to their week at camp for a whole year!

  2. Debi Cowan says:

    I work across the street from this Fantastic Camp!!! It is such a JOY TO HEAR THE SOUNDS OF LAUGHTER, HOOPING & HOLLERING!!! We can hear the joy of the kids all through our canyon! Such a beautiful place!😃💜

  3. My son went for the first time this year, what an amazing experience! Such a worth while cause!

  4. Kathryn Hoar says:

    Fantastic facility, as well as, professional and enthusiastic staff/volunteers. I can not wait to hear about my child’s experience as a camper!

  5. Kathryn Hoar says:

    Fantastic facility, as well as, professional and enthusiastic staff/volunteers. I can not wait to hear about my child’s experience as a camper!

  6. Just rode by here yesterday and wondered what it was.

  7. Just rode by here yesterday and wondered what it was.

  8. Just rode by here yesterday and wondered what it was.

  9. Sipri Vigil says:

    Beautiful place with a great team/staff. Younger sister went and enjoyed it.

  10. Sipri Vigil says:

    Beautiful place with a great team/staff. Younger sister went and enjoyed it.

  11. Sipri Vigil says:

    Beautiful place with a great team/staff. Younger sister went and enjoyed it.