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City of Santa Clarita | Tribute to Duane Harte

Uploaded 01/05/2016

Tribute to Duane Harte

Tribute to Duane Harte, from the city of Santa Clarita.

(c)2015 City of Santa Clarita | SCVTV
4 Comments for City of Santa Clarita: Tribute to Duane Harte
  1. Cheryl Ramirez says:

    I never met a nicer or more humble person than Duane. Thank you for the beautiful tribute.

  2. Rick Winsman says:

    Nice job and thank you, SCV. Duane will be missed by a lot of folks who never knew him, but will enjoy the fruits of his accomplishments for decades. Miss ya, pal.

  3. “There’ll be no smoking’ dope in Santa Clarita” *COCKS GIANT SHOTGUN*

  4. Danise Davis says:

    That’s Tony Marincola standing between Bob Kellar and Duane Harte. Tony was an amazing individual!

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