Caltrans News Flash | I-80 SMART Corridor
In this Caltrans News Flash, you’ll see how the I-80 SMART Corridor aims to ease congestion, enhance safety and improve travel time reliability in a busy corridor from the Carquinez Bridge to the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge. More than 270,000 vehicles use this corridor daily. Expanding the capacity of the highway is not possible in this corridor, so Caltrans is turning to technology to seek solutions. Join spokesperson Shannon Brinias as she shows you how new signage and other traffic operation systems are integrated together in an innovative and sustainable approach to a heavily congested corridor. She talks with District 4 managers who give insight on the goals of the system. She takes you inside the Traffic Management Center to see how the elements will all work together, to help smooth the flow through Active Traffic Management. (c)2016 Caltrans | SCVTV
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