Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 8-29-17
HONOR SOCIETY APPLICATIONS Honor Society Applications are now ONLINE! This semester is for 8th graders only, and you will need to look up your grades from 3rd & 4th quarter last school year. Also, you can choose to include your service hours online, or turn in the paper that has all hours listed, to the library, no later than 2:30 on Sept. 1st. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Marsh, or stop by room 106.
ENRICHED ENGLISH Today’s the day! Don’t forget eighth graders, a few of your favorite English teachers are hosting a quick meeting after school TODAY in Room 105 with all the details you need to join Enriched English! Can’t attend today? Listen for announcements of a lunch meeting to be hosted after the Labor Day weekend. We look forward to seeing you all there!
LETS DO THIS Our LAST and final hero coupon turn in is TOMORROW during brunch at the outdoor stage! Be sure to have the coupons you’ve earned signed by your parents tonight so you can start collecting your superheroes! The last day for the fundraiser is THIS Friday, 9/1. All Pledge Sheets, cash, and checks should get turned into the MPR BEFORE school. You’ve just got a few days left to earn those prizes and help our school!
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Do you need Community Service hours? The RIVER RALLY, a river cleanup service, is on Saturday September 23rd. from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Visit to register, and you could earn 2 hours of community service.
SVJH INSTAGRAM Hey Sierra Vista, if you haven’t signed up to follow the school on Instagram yet, please do so today! The Sierra Vista Instagram page has important information about upcoming school events and you might even see pictures of you or your friends in our posts. Follow us at: sierravistajhs
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