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City of Santa Clarita | Homeless Issues AD HOC Committee Meeting

Uploaded 08/30/2017

Homeless Issues AD HOC Committee Meeting

The City of Santa Clarita held an AD HOC meeting with local providers and Los Angeles County representatives to discuss how local providers can access Measure H funds and become more connected with the County’s Homeless Initiative and systems.

Measure H, passed by LA County voters in March 2017, is estimated to generate $355 million annually to help 45,000 homeless families and individuals in LA County move into permanent housing during the first five years, and help an additional 30,000 people avert homelessness during the same time period. On June 13, 2017, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the Measure H Revenue Planning Group’s consensus funding recommendations. The Board also approved $2 million in one-time funding for planning grants and coordination efforts by Councils of Government. This action has created a unique opportunity for us to combat homelessness in our community. For more information regarding the approved Measure H funding, please visit:

(c)2017 City of Santa Clarita | SCVTV
1 Comment for City of Santa Clarita: Homeless Issues AD HOC Committee Meeting
  1. Virginia Kennelly says:

    I met Katie, executive for P.A.T.H. at a Canyon country Advisory Committee meeting. I had asked
    if the homeless recipients were given or was their pet damage security deposits were paid on behalf of the pet owner? At our apartment complex that amount is $500.00. Her reply was, “If I can’t take my pet, I would not move there.” What is the actual answer?

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