LETS DO THIS Hey Sierra Vista! TODAY is the pledge sheet, cash and check donation turn in for the Let’s Do This fundraiser. If you haven’t turned in your Pledge Sheets, cash, and checks yet, please bring them to the MPR now! A huge thank you to those students that helped our school!
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Here’s another community service opportunity. Would you like to help the homeless of our Santa Clarita Valley? You could earn up to 10 service hours with “Family Promise of SCV” Box City fundraising event. It will take place on October 7th and 8th in Heritage Park in Valencia. Registration is online at www.familypromisescv.org/ The entry fee is $25.00 which also gets you a t-shirt. See Mrs. Fulleman at the SV Library if you have any questions.
ENRICHED ENGLISH Enriched English students! Please return your parent forms to Room 619 or 105 by September 8th. For any eighth graders who missed the Enriched English meeting this past Tuesday during Plainsman Progress Day, you’re in luck! The make-up meeting will be during lunch next Wednesday, in Room 105. We will start within five minutes of the bell ringing so that we can get you out early and you can enjoy the rest of your lunch. Be sure to arrive on time!
FUN FRIDAY We are hosting a Fun Friday in the MPR TODAY! Since it is going to be too hot to be out at the Quad, inside the MPR, you will enjoy nice air conditioning, giant Jenga, Hula Hoops, and awesome music. If you don’t want to play games, you can sit down and enjoy your lunch with your friends.