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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 9-11-17

Uploaded 09/11/2017

Sierra Vista Life, 9-11-17

DC TRIP CLUB – Attn 8th grade students: If you’re interested in going on the trip of a lifetime, then join the DC Trip club and find out how you can go on the 8th grade DC trip in June.  There will be an informational meeting for you and your parents on Monday, September 11th at 6:30 in the MPR. Please plan on attending.  If you cannot attend, please see Ms. Kontis in room 626 for more information. Please be advised, this is not a district sponsored field trip.

SWEATSHIRTS – Hey Sierra Vista, our tie dye sweatshirts are now available for sale at the ASB window for $35! Get yours now and show your Sierra Vista spirit!
EQUESTRIAN LEAGUE – Do you ride and show horses?  If you ride English and would like to join the 2017-2018 IEL or Interscholastic Equestrian League Sierra Vista show team, come see Mrs. Sirchia in room 616.  Students will compete in four shows this season and will compete against the other junior high and high schools in Los Angeles County.  You can compete in jumpers, hunters, or equitation.
LUNCHTIME INTRAMURALS – Sierra Vista lunch time intramurals are back for September and you get to choose for the month of September. The three choices are hockey, volleyball, and ultimate Frisbee. If you go to the Sierra Vista website under news and announcements click on the link and vote for your choice. The winning sport will be announced later this week so vote Sierra Vista.
9/11 – Today, September 11th, 2017, marks the 16th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington DC that killed nearly 3,000 Americans. We can use this occasion to remind us of the strength and resilience of the United States, and also as a time for us all to reflect on how we can contribute to a more caring and peaceful world. We will now pause for a moment of silence to remember the victims of 9/11.
PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB – If you are in Photography there will be a meeting today at lunch in room 301.
FCCLA LEADERS OF AMERICA – Family, Careers, Community, Leaders, of America will meet this Wednesday (September 13)  in room 901 at lunch.  Come to our first lunch time meeting and find out what we are all about.
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