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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 9-22-17
PEER TUTORING – We are looking for students on campus who would be interested in becoming a peer tutor in order to earn this much needed community service hours; you can earn hours for this semester, or get a head start for the Spring semester. It is a great opportunity to support your fellow classmates and school community. Please fill out the google form using the provided link, and see Mrs. Marsh in room 106, with any questions, no later than Sept. 29th! ADOPT A TEXAS SCHOOL – Please bring in any items for our “Hurricane Harvey – Adopt a Texas School” assistance fundraiser to room 1002 by Friday, September 22nd. Any help is appreciated and the students and staff living in Texas greatly appreciate your help and generosity. DANCE TICKETS – Hey! Sierra Vista, we are having our Surfers vs Bikers dance is TOMORROW in the MPR from 2:30 to 4:30! Ticket sales will continue today for $10. We will have games, such as Beach Ball Volleyball, Limbo, Beach Ball Basket ball, and much more! We will be having In N Out at the dance but please make sure to pre-order it as your purchasing your ticket for $5. For the dance try to represent a side, Bikers or Surfers! Hope to see you there! THOSE ATTENDING THE DANCE – Attention ALL students attending today’s dance: please note that you MUST bring your ID card with you to the dance or you will be sent to the back of the line. Party Pack members just need to show their ID card to get into the dance; they don’t need an actual ticket since their name is on the list. Doors open at 2:30pm. Students will not be admitted to the dance after 2:45pm, so please do NOT leave campus after school if you’re attending the dance. Snacks and beverages will be available for sale, and you can pre-order the In N Out at the ASB window; for $5 you get a hamburger and a soda. Please don’t forget to bring money for snacks and the photographer. The dance ends at 4:30pm. Students are NOT allowed to leave early due to safety reasons. Please be sure to follow dress code. Please see Mrs. Terranova in room 1002 if you have any questions. ATTENDANCE AWARENESS MONTH – Perfect attendance tallies: 7th grade 99.4%, 8th grade 98.9%, staff 99.4% LOP LIST – Attention all students. Have you heard of the library’s LOP list and don’t know what it is? It means Loss Of Privileges. You are on this list if you have an overdue library book or a book damage fine. The privileges you lose are going to cool dances, like today’s “Surfers vs. Bikers Dance”, checking out more books, going on fun field trips, etc. So return or renew before the due date stamped in the back of your library book to avoid the LOP list. VOLLEYBALL INTRAMURALS – The students have spoken and for September’s lunch time intramurals will be playing volleyball! Games will be starting on Monday September 25th. Games will be every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on the PE fields during lunch. Bring a team of six or just yourself and maybe a friend. See you out their. 8th GRADE SPEECH CONTEST – This year’s theme is “How do music, the arts, and culture of my community add value to my quality of life?” How have the arts made your life better? Maybe it’s the performing arts like theater, choir, band, or dance. Or perhaps you love the visual arts like painting, drawing, photography, or video? CASH prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! To find out more about the contest, or to sign up, please come to an information meeting on Friday, September 22, at lunch, in Room 301. LOST AND FOUND – If you lost your lunch box, water bottles, jackets, sweaters or P.E. clothes, be sure to check the lost and found cabinet, located in the Assistant Principal’s office.
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