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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 10-09-17

Uploaded 10/09/2017

Sierra Vista Life, 10-09-17

SPIRIT WEEK – This week is Spirit Week! Come dressed to school with these fun themes. There is a new theme every day of the week. Tuesday: Disney day, Wednesday: wear pink for Breast cancer awareness, Thursday: Meme day come dressed as your favorite meme (school appropriate), Friday: Pajama day. Hope to see all of you dressed!

Would you like to help the homeless of our Santa Clarita Valley? You could earn up to 10 service hours with “Family Promise of SCV” Box City fundraising event. It will take place on October 7th and 8th in Heritage Park in Valencia. Registration is online at The entry fee is $25.00 which also gets you a t-shirt. See Mrs. Fulleman at the SV Library if you have any questions.

SPURS STUDENTS OF THE MONTH – The Spurs Team congratulates their August and September Students of the Month, Sophia Maybin, Joseph Bogharian, Rachel Hopkinson and Jorge Bucaro. We appreciate all your hard work and effort and thank you for being our star students for the months of August and September!

SAFE SCHOOL AMBASSADORS – Attention! We will have our first meeting in the MPR at lunch on October 11th. Please be sure to bring your food to the meeting on time as we will be starting promptly. Can’t wait to see you there!

 The photography club meets today at lunch in room 301.

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