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CHSRA | CA High-Speed Rail Authority Board Meeting, 10-19-17

Uploaded 10/26/2017

CA High-Speed Rail Authority Board Meeting, 10-19-17

California High-Speed Rail Authority Board Meeting for Thursday, October 19, 2017

Monthly Meeting Agenda

October 19, 2017

  1. Consider Approving the Board Meeting Minutes from the September
    19, 2017 Board Meeting

  2. Consider Awarding a Contract for Early Train Operator Services

  3. Consider Amending the Interagency Agreement with Caltrans for
    Legal Services to Support Right-of-Way Acquisition

  4. Investing in California’s Future Through the American Recovery and
    Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

  5. Closed Session Pertaining to Employment of an Executive Director
    The Authority Board will meet in closed session pursuant to
    Government Code section 11126(a) to discuss the employment of a
    new Executive Director (CEO)

  6. Closed Session Pertaining to Litigation

The Authority will meet in closed session pursuant to Government
Code section 11126(e)(1)&(2)(A) to confer with counsel with
regard to the following litigation:
 SunnyGem LLC v. California High-Speed Rail Authority;
(Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 34-2017-80002538)
 John Tos; Quentin Kopp; Town of Atherton; County of
Kings; Patricia Louise Hogan-Giorni; Anthony Wynne,

Community Coalition on High-Speed Rail, TRANSDEF;

(c)2017 CHSRA | SCVTV
12 Comments for CA High-Speed Rail Authority: CA High-Speed Rail Authority Board Meeting, 10-19-17
  1. Waste of tax payer money and time

  2. cora pantoja says:

    I would rather spend money to bring water into California then have this stupid train.

  3. Mike Collins says:

    Which aspect(s) of The Brown Streak did they lie about this time? Time projections? Allocation of funds? Budget limits? Please tell us.

  4. Boooooo! It’s a trick, not a treat.

  5. We all need to just not file our taxes in April!! That will wake them up!!

  6. What do you think the new gas tax will really fund …browns crazy train…

  7. Brandon Cook says:

    Booooooo! Stop wasting our money!

  8. They probably spent the money and used it as a distraction to pocket his politician friends courtesy of california tax payers.

  9. It’s past time that California high speed rail and Jerry Brown go away

  10. Fleecing of CA and the US Taxpayers

  11. Suzetta Anne says:

    Really? Isn’t this a good thing to spend money on now. So thankful you don’t dictate my finances

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