Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 11-2-17
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES – DFYinSCV lunch meeting today at lunch in the MPR. Today in clubs and activities the Metal Fusion club meets in room 902, Dance club meets after school in room 106, and Cross Country practice is after school. BASEBALL SHIRTS – Sierra Vista baseball shirts are now available for sale for $10 at the ASB window. They’re super soft and comfy! And now that the weather is cooling down, don’t forget that we also have our Tie Dye sweatshirts for sale for $35. Students wearing their Sierra Vista spirit wear on Friday may get candy from ASB when they drop into random classes throughout the year, so be sure to show your SV pride! CROSS COUNTRY – If you signed up for the Cross Country team we will be holding practice Wednesday through Friday after school. Practice will run from 2:15 – 3:15. Meet on the PE fields. STUDENT EMPOWERMENT – Hey Plainsmen! We have our first Parent and Student Empowerment presentation on “Raising Healthy Teens” Featuring Best selling Author and college coach, Robert dos Remedios. Topics will include: Developing positive addictive traits, physical fitness and building character, and the connection between fitness and academic performance. This awesome presentation will be Wednesday, November 8th, at La Mesa Junior High, from 6:30pm-8pm. Want to get healthier? Come hear from Coach Dos next Wednesday! CHARACTER COUNTS WINNERS – Congratulations to our character counts winners for the month of October Olivia Dowd
Maria Soto
Ashton Boersch
Dylan Medlock Tucker
Michael Burkman
Kailee Sabangan
Please come to room 802 at brunch or lunch to claim your prize. Please stay tuned next month as we recognize more students and remember at Sierra Vista Character Counts.
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