CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES – Today in clubs and activities, the Photography Club meets in room 301, the Acting Club meets in the choir room at lunch, and the Dance Club meets in the mpr after school.
ANXIETY PRESENTATION – Are you dealing with anxiety or stress? You and your family are invited to a presentation titled, “How to Help Your Teen Deal with Anxiety,” hosted by the Santa Clarita Child and Family Center. Come join us on Wednesday, February 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sierra Vista MPR. Spanish translation will also be offered.
LOST AND FOUND – TODAY our fabulous ASB will be assisting the office with lost and found items. If you are missing something, come by the administration building during lunch. Anything not picked up will be donated to charity.
PEER TUTORING – Attention all plainsman! Teachers & peer tutors are available to provide additional academic support after school on Thursday and Friday. 7th grade Math is in room 614 & Science is in room 802 on Thursday. English & History is in room 106 on Friday.
HONOR SOCIETY – If you are interested in applying for Honor Society, then you must complete the online application no later than 2:30pm on Friday February 2nd. All community service hours must be recorded on a piece of paper with appropriate signatures, and submitted to Mrs. Marsh by the end of February. You can also stop by room 106 anytime to turn in your community service hours, or to ask questions.
VIDEO GAME CLUB – Video Gamers are welcome to come to our first Video Game Club meeting of the new year in room 101 after school until 3 p.m. on Thursday, February 1. We have an Xbox 360 with a variety of games to choose from for group play, or you can bring your own handhelds or phones to play as well. New permission slips will be issued, and we will discuss our plan for the upcoming Club Rush event. Come one, come all and game on!
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