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Gov. Jerry Brown | Gov. Jerry Brown & A.G. Xavier Becerra Response to Jeff Session/Sanctuary Cities

Uploaded 03/07/2018

Gov. Jerry Brown & A.G. Xavier Becerra Response to Jeff Session/Sanctuary Cities

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. joined Attorney General Xavier Becerra at a press conference today in Sacramento to discuss U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to sue the State of California.

(c)2018 CalChannel | SCVTV
46 Comments for Gov. Jerry Brown: Gov. Jerry Brown & A.G. Xavier Becerra Response to Jeff Session/Sanctuary Cities
  1. We need voter ID. The only reason democrats fight for illegals are for votes. Especially 2nd generation

  2. The two people in all of California who should actually eat a tide pod!!!
    Oh I hope you both choke on it on the way down!!!!

  3. KJ Slo says:


  4. Scott Newman says:

    These law breakers need to be thrown in jail Jerry is a disgrace

  5. Lyn O'Kane says:

    Why do people keep voting for idiots like this ???

  6. Shae Lyons says:

    Hey if Jerry Brown and Xavier Becerra don’t have to follow the law hell why do we??? Bad leadership and the Citizen of California should work with ICE they cant stop everyone.

  7. Jerry Brown must hate really hate us legal citizens!!! Dispicable!!!

  8. Shae Lyons says:

    They are putting our lives in danger for their drug cartel, Jerry Brown has sold us to China none and I do mean no of these people care at at about the native White Black or others who live here in Calif, all they care about is Homosexuals DACA and Illegals forget the rest of the people here in California.

  9. Two idiots. 🤡🤡

  10. Dumb and dumber…

  11. Sherry Oman says:

    Jerry Brown has destroyed California. The election can’t get here soon enough. He needs to retire.

  12. I’m glad trump will sue him , show him that the fraud jerry brown is .

  13. John Whitlaw says:

    Please lock up both these morons

  14. Every time i read comments from conservatives I picture this! And how they’re convinced they can save everyone from Democrats and illegals 😂😂😂

  15. They will both burn in hell for what they’ve done.

  16. Just look at those idiots, ridiculous.

  17. More proof California is circling the drain. If you voted for these clowns, it’s your fault..

  18. So sad what has become of this state. All in the name of socialism and votes to keep these idiots in office! The state is broke and loosing businesses every day.

    • Chinkie Paye says:

      I agree 😡👎 WE have to stand strong and hope we get this moonbeam OUT for good .

    • Ruth Rassool says:

      What businesses are being lost?

    • Ruth Rassool businesses are moving out of ca. to other more friendly to business states. So are young families. REASONS:Prop.taxes,sales taxes,gas taxes, poor schools,crime,college costs, etc. calif. Is only gaining more homeless and illegals seeking sanuaury!

    • It’s best to get ones facts straight before making a statement. California has a budget surplus, we are not broke. Governor Brown has termed out so he cannot run for Governor any longer so we can’t vote him out. The unemployment rate in California in Oct 2010 was 12.2%, it is currently at 4.5%. We are by far the most populous state in the union, over 39 million and if we were a country, we would have the sixth largest economy in the world! Are taxes high, is the cost of living high? Yes it is, without any doubt. And the reasons are clear from above Plus the climate, the scenic beauty, the cultural attractions. All of this and more adds to the cost of being a California resident. Do you know the meaning of the word socialism? It’s a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates the means of production, distribution and exchanges should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. So how is this a bad thing? Or would you prefer it be controlled by corporations or the government?

    • It’s best to get ones facts straight before making a statement. California has a budget surplus, we are not broke. Governor Brown has termed out so he cannot run for Governor any longer so we can’t vote him out. The unemployment rate in California in Oct 2010 was 12.2%, it is currently at 4.5%. We are by far the most populous state in the union, over 39 million and if we were a country, we would have the sixth largest economy in the world! Are taxes high, is the cost of living high? Yes it is, without any doubt. And the reasons are clear from above Plus the climate, the scenic beauty, the cultural attractions. All of this and more adds to the cost of being a California resident. Do you know the meaning of the word socialism? It’s a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates the means of production, distribution and exchanges should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. So how is this a bad thing? Or would you prefer it be controlled by corporations or the government?

    • You just wasted your breath! I stand by my comments!! Worse school in the country! Highest gas taxes! Highest homeless#s, rents and property taxes are driving young people out of this state. Cost of state college tuition horrible so loans are too. Illegals #s high and going higher because of being a sanuaury state! You’re a socialist liberal or you’d take off your blinders!

  19. William Reel says:

    ILLEGAL alien criminals supported by the Democrat Party. On top of that Prop 57 child predators to be let out of prison under Brown and Democrats. Keep your children safe (if you can). Illegal alien votes and their lawless sympathizers OVER public safety.

  20. Jerry brown is an idiot and jose is a beaner.

  21. Both of those low life’s need to be fiered and put away for a long time. We need to take back our State and make it great again. What I really feel I can’t say. I would be arresest. 😀

  22. John Chan says:

    🖕brown and becerra both obstructionist

  23. Brown and Becerra… traitors to the state of California, legalized residents and citizens of the United States.

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