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Tesoro Del Valle Project | Tesoro Del Valle EIR Public Hearing

Uploaded 04/04/2018

Tesoro Del Valle EIR Public Hearing

A public hearing was held before a County Regional Planning examiner on March 29 regarding a supplemental draft environmental impact report for the Tesoro Del Valle expansion.

The Tesoro del Valle community in northern Saugus will grow by 820 homes if the county of Los Angeles approves the developer’s new plan.

Tesoro was always envisioned to be built in phases. In 1999 the county approved the initial phase of 1,552 homes, but only 1,077 homes were actually built.

Now, the property owner intends to go back and build those 475 unbuilt homes, along with 237 homes that were previously approved for later phases.

What’s different now is that the developer is asking the county for permission to build 108 additional homes as a “density bonus.”

In exchange, 365 of the 810 homes would be age-restricted for seniors.

Technically Phases B and C, the new construction would spread Tesoro’s footprint northward.

The developer is requesting an oak tree permit to remove 11 oak trees and encroach on a twelfth, a permit to build within a Significant Ecological Area and hillside management area, and an exemption from ridgeline preservation rules within a community standards district.

The public has until April 12 (forty-five days) to submit written comments to Marie Pavlovic, L.A. County Department of Regional Planning, Land Divisions Section Room 1382, 320 W. Temple St., Los Angeles CA 90012, or by email: Questions may be directed to the planning office at (213) 974-6433.

(c)2018 SCVTV
1 Comment for Tesoro Del Valle Project: Tesoro Del Valle EIR Public Hearing
  1. For some reason at least on my phone the text of the article is cut off on the right-hand side no matter which direction I turn my phone I cannot read it.

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