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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 10-25-18
Let’s Do This Fundraiser Prizes: Attention students that obtained $100 or more in the “Let’s Do This” fundraiser: The prize distribution day will take place TOMORROW in the MPR during BRUNCH! Please check the ASB bulletin cabinet on the back of the office to verify the amount you collected. The color of your name on the list corresponds to the color prize table that you will report to during the distribution. If you see any errors, please check your PledgeStar account first, and then see Mrs. Terranova in room 1002 if you have any questions. Please make sure you have your ID card with you for the prize pick up because prizes will not be given to students without ID. Party And Play Day:The Party N Play day for students that obtained $60 or more in donations will take place on Friday, November 2nd. Disaster Drill:TODAY, we will be having a disaster drill during “E” period, and there will be a special schedule. Please make sure you listen to your teacher’s instructions and behave appropriately during the drill so that we’re prepared in the case of an earthquake or disaster. Circle of Friends:If you wanna make more friends at school then come to room 303 every thursday at lunch. We do games and fun activities. Join the circle of friends or if you wanna learn more about our club then come TODAY. Chalk Mandalas: Don’t miss your chance to see chalk mandalas created by the Advanced Art students! “Mandala” is a Sanskrit word for “circle” and is a form of art stemming from Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Students started their mandalas this past Monday, between the office building and the Library. They will wash them away this TOMORROW after lunch, so don’t miss out! Come by to see the results of their mandala designs. Trading Cards Club:Check out our featured club, the “Trading Cards Club,” that meets in room 101 during lunch today. Feel free to stop in and check it out if you’re interested in joining! Birthday Cookie:If your birthday is in October come to the Outdoor Stage on Friday 10/26 during lunch with your ID card to get a cookie. Volleyball Intramurals: Volleyball intramurals are over and we have a winner. W Squad went undefeated. They will play the all star staff Friday during lunch. Thanks to all the students that participated and helped out. DFY in SCV Club Members: Please stop by room 305 today at brunch for information about the upcoming Junior High Summit on November 7th. Only the first 50 members to turn in a permission slip will be eligible to attend. Turkey Bowl Football Tournament: If your still are interested in joining the Turkey Bowl lunch time tournament you can sign-up as a team or free agent, go to the SV website and under news and announcements click on the link and fill out the form. Everyone one on your team needs to sign-up. The last day to sign-up is Sunday October 28. Clubs and Activities:Today in Clubs and Activities we have the trading card club in room 101, DYF in SCV officers meeting after school in room 305 and the Fitness Club in the Fitness Center after school. (c)2018 WSHUHSD | SCVTV
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